Where does the weight go?

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Where does the weight go?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I have read lots of posts on here about how people are not losing weight but losing lots lots of cm’s. what I would like to know is where is the weight going? I can understand if people are starting to exercise more so there may be some muscle build which is heavier but that cannot apply to a lot of people.
    Personally, I have been on it for about 6 weeks now nd am making very slow progress but it is going in the right direction.
    Whilst I need to lose about 11kgs, I am also doing it for the health benefits. Just intrigued to know where all those cms go!

    No idea but good riddance to ’em. I think there’s a lot to be said for the visceral fat being the first thing that goes on this diet, so the scales might register big losses to begin with without you actually noticing much of a change on the outside (that was certainly my experience). I agree that the inch loss without weight loss does seem strange but the diet may be encouraging your body to store its resources in different ways, so I do see it as an encouraging thing when the weight loss stops but the inches continue to shrink. I like to think that it’s going into muscle storage rather than fat storage and that’s why your shape is changing but you don’t lose the weight (because muscle weighs more than fat). It is certainly the case for me, that I’ve dropped a LOT of weight this year and 2+ dress sizes and yet my skin is not sagging off me and I am discovering biceps that I hadn’t really noticed before – there might be a 6 pack waiting for me under all this blubber – who knows 😉

    i agree with tracy, other diets tend to break down muscle this retains muscle so weight lost is all fat, maybe our bodys hang onto the extra water we all tend to drink more when fasting, so hides the weight/fat lost, its all very strange i know, and would love to hear about the science of it. i to have noticed after big changes in body fat and shape there is no saggy skin left behind. this diet is AMAZING! xx

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