Where are the Photos?

This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  LittleWing 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I would love to see before and after photos of everyone’s weightloss, but I read about their success, but for some reason, they are too shy to reveal their progress?

    Please, motivate me some more! show me the pics!

    I suppose that there are many of us who are still losing weight so are waiting until we reach our goal. But there is also the issue of dodging the camera when you are overweight. I am struggling to find any photos of before.

    check out http://www.10in2.at. They have an english page as well and present several success stories of a quite similiar program (10in2 ist alternate day fasting – we guys eat one day and do a complete fasting day the next day). It’s amazing – very obese people lost up to 30 kg in half a year.


    http://www.10in2.at. eventually found some photos by clicking on vorher und nachher bilder in the right hand sidebar thank you rudimentary German

    Interesting looking site quizzle, how do you get to the ENglish pages?

    I went there, but I don’t read German.

    KLick right upper corner where it sais “english” and you’ll be forwarded to

    Success-stories and images can be found at http://www.10in2.at/index.php?lang=en&inhalt=10in2-galerie

    Best regards

    Did I misunderstand, I wanted to see pics of the 5:2 Diet. I saw this 10/2 plan on the Dr. Oz show.

    No worries.

    In other words, the 10/2 diet does nothing for me. My interest is in 5:2 only. Thank anyway.

    Hey Etherial!

    There are a few pics out there… but not many. Firstly you can’t really add pictures to this forum itself, so you’d need another medium.

    Anyway, I have a blog myself, have a look if you want. It’s not extremely up to date with pictures, mostly because I also still suffer from the ‘camera dodging’ syndrome of being too heavy… Anyway. I’ll probably upload another picture before leaving China at least 😉


    Thanks, Nika; I will.

    Photoes might be so motivating to diet, especially if we could keep uploading photoes of ourselves (without other people seeing them, just for ourselves – or even with other people seeing them)! But then, on the other hand,we have he waist hip breast measurements to keep track of our success…


    Well… this is me in Sept 2013 after 3 months of 5:2! A few weeks later I was pregnant with my 2nd baby so I’m looking a bit more like my ‘before’ pic at the moment. Actually probably a stone heaviw than that as well!

    Haven’t done a fast day yet. Been psyching myself up and cutting down booze, snacks and portion size before I take the leap of faith (again!)

    Wish me luck…!

    You look gorgeous littleWing. That is some motivating to see:). Although you also look good on your before pic ;).

    Thank you very much! That pic spurs me on as well.

    On my 8th fast day, hoping to get under 10st this week. I love how I instantly feel slimmer on a fast day but think I am finding it much harder than last time. Baby is only 5 months old so still breastfeeding, not much of a chance during the day to run (so trying to walk as much as possible), at home all day rather than distracted by my job and away from my fridge/bread bin!

    Doing ok though… 10lb down so more than third of the way to goal weight.

    Its a slog and I’m not enjoying the fast days but it works. Roll on 7pm and 500 cal dinner!!

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