When to Eat

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  danbruceman74 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone this is my first week on the fast diet, i completed my first fast day yesterday and was amazed how easy i found it. But i was wondering if it makes a big difference when you have you meals or is it the calories that are the main thing?
    i would appreciate any feedback thanks. Stacey x

    Hi @slbings and welcome

    One of the many good things about this way of eating is that you do it the way it works for you.

    If you read the FOQs at the top of the page you’ll see that Michael Mosley answers the question ‘Do the calories have to be in one meal or spread across the day?’

    as follows
    ‘There have been different studies using different approaches. People who took part in Dr Krista Varady’s studies of Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) had just one meal a day, at lunchtime. Those who took part in Dr Michelle Harvie’s studies of the 2 Day Diet at several small meals a day. Michael prefers having two meals a day, breakfast and an evening meal. Mimi prefers several small meals. Which approach is better? The one you can stick to. Some people find, for example, that eating breakfast actually makes them feel hungrier later in the morning.’

    Some of us go from dinner on the last non fast day to dinner on the fast day when they have a meal of 500 calories. Others have 3 small meals or like Michael Mosley, 2 meals.

    It’s about trying different ways to see what works best for you and what fits in best with your own life style. The main thing is that you eat no more than the recommended 500 calories on your fast day – how you do it is up to you.

    If you read the ‘how?’ and ‘faq’ links at the top of the page it will help and there are also some notes here which you might like to read

    There’s loads of help and support on the forums here too.

    Good luck


    Thats great thank you, i think my days will differ depending if im at work, i just wanted to be sure it was ok.

    You’re welcome @slbings


    Thanks – just had a really tough fast day (very irritable) and realised I drank very little water today -this may be it.
    I will try smaller meals throughout the day and chart my progress that way.
    Looking forward to trying miso soup!

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