When fast days 'just happen'…

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When fast days 'just happen'…

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Myggan40 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone,
    I’ve been doing the FD since middle of January and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
    And that’s how I see it. I’m doing it for me!
    Not for looks or because I ‘really should’ be slimmer/lighter/healthier etc.

    I have lost 12.5kg since I started which is just under 2 stone (UK) and I feel amazing.
    I started very heavy at 85kg and at only 160cm in height I was stuck in the Obese section of the BMI chart. Having always been very muscular I take that with a pinch of salt but my goal weight of 65 doesn’t seem completely impossible anymore.

    I usually FAST on a Tuesday or Thursday but had sort of decided to do Wednesday & Thursday this week.
    That was until I realised at 13.30 that I had not had breakfast or lunch and only a small tea & coffee with milk. So I totted up the calories in my choice of mobile app and decided to make it a fast day after all.

    If anyone had told me this would be possible when I started fasting in January I would have laughed and laughed.
    When I started I couldn’t wait to eat my 500 cals and counted the minutes until the FAST day was over. And now this.
    I am NOT writing this to go ‘Look at me – how easy it is for me’ or to annoy anyone who’s just started. I want to show that the habit of FAST days can change how you feel and think about food. So to anyone who is going through the first 4 weeks of this great new way of life and are finding it difficult… HANG IN THERE! It does get easier and you will feel so much better for yourself when the results start to show.
    All the best of luck all FD’ers!

    Well done on your progress! I think I have once or twice decided to have an unplanned fast day but I was probably ill lol!!

    Thanks detoxmanic!
    This is the first time it’s happened to me hence the feeling of WOW what a breakthrough 😀

    I started early jan and have lost a couple of stone
    This started happening about 5 weeks ago..exactly the same..I just get busy or forget
    Then it’s afternoon, so I carry on.
    Yes it’s the last thing I expected earlier in the year


    Hi Mark – that’s so great to hear!
    It’s nice not to have the food taking over so much mind-space and gut-feel these days but also so unexpected. 🙂

    Also Mark – well done! 2 stone is great achievement.

    Indeed..I have also changed my eating habits without even trying..I am inclined towards fresh food..hardly any processed..I am quite amazed actually . 🙂

    Hi Myggan how are you doing recently? Im interested in your posts as you seem similar to me. Im only 5ft4ins and I started the 5;2 at 74kgs which is far too heavy. That was last Feb. Now I am 68 kgs, and my goal weight is around 64kgs. I tend to concentrate more on measurements which have vastly reduced.
    Fast days are not as hard as they used to be. Hunger is acceptable and even reassuring now. I can even be around people who are munching crisps and french stick on my fast days, and not feel like Im going to throw a wobbly. I used to fast on Mon and Fri, but I have changed it to Mon and Wed now as I see a better result straight after the second fast with them being close together. Its also nice to get the 2 fast days out of the way quickly. Because fast days are easier now Im even trying a bit of exercise those days ie cycling or badminton. Well done on loosing 2 stone. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!

    Hi Kindle
    Great to see your post. I’m doing really well thanks! Hope you are too.
    I just yesterday realised I have been doing the FAST diet for 6 months which is amazing.
    This morning I weighed in at 67.7kg, so I am down 17.3kg – 2.7 stone. I am getting closer to my initial goal of 65kg but I have now changed that and I will try to make it to 63kg. That way my BMI will be in the normal weight range finally. 🙂
    I used to fast on Tuesday and Thursday but recently I’ve been doing Monday and Wednesday too so today I’m between fasts.
    I’ve not actually had any breakfast yet today so will go straight to lunch which I find happens a lot these days.
    Well done on your weight loss and losing the inches! It’s great to find whatever keeps you motivated.
    Good luck and keep it going

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