When do you see results

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Tried this diet 4 years ago and managed to lose my half a stone. Started it again last week, I did two fasting days back to back on Thursday & Friday eating below the 500 cals then ate normally at the weekend. Weighed myself this morning (Monday) and I am the same weight. Is this common? I expected to have lost at least 1lb

    Depends what you mean by “ate normal” on the week end. For many eating normal on the week end means eating way over their TDEE.

    Hi bigbooty, I didn’t record my calories at the weekend but on Saturday I only had an apple during the day followed by home made lasagne for my evening meal then on Sunday I did have a breakfast (scrambled egg on toast) followed by a homemade beef casserole so I really tried not to over eat on those days

    Sorry, Walki, those two casseroles sound wicked high in calories. What is a ‘portion’ for those?

    Personally I don’t have any processed grain based foods. So the lasagne would have been a killer. The difference between sugar and processed grains is absolutely minimal. Did the casserole have potatoes in it? Same thing as the processed grains. Also what people consider a normal portion is WAY more than they need. Cup your two hands together. Does the portion fit inside your two hands? 2000 calories is a ridiculously small amount of food. Our sense of portion has been lost. Have the scrambled eggs without the toast. The carbs in the toast (in any processed grain product really) causes your insulin levels to spike. This makes you go into fat storing mode. When you add protein together with the carbs the insulin spike is even higher than it would have been with the toast by itself. Have the eggs without the toast.

    Good luck with it.

    Bigbooty gives good advice, but I must disagree that ‘2000 calories is a ridiculously small amount of food.’ I would have to force myself to eat that much! I daresay that once in a while, Christmas and American Thanksgiving, I might get there, but that’s with pie for dessert and stollen for breakfast and candy in between. In other words, not a ‘normal’ day.

    As bigbooty says, eat protein and work on portion control. Keys to success.

    @fasting me. I think I may have worded it poorly. I was trying to say that our concept of portion size has been skewed. What we think we eat and what we actually eat are really at odds. If we laid out 2000 calories in front of us that we would be surprised at how little food (visually) it takes to add up to 2000 calories. I picked the number 2000 its a nice round number and because that’s about the average calorie value for a male. Four chocolate donuts gets you pretty close to 2000.

    Right you are, bigbooty — depending on how you get those calories, 2000 can look like a lot or a little. Sometimes when I serve dinner, my husband looks at it in amazement and says, “That’s 300 calories?!?” Because it looks and tastes like a lot.
    Seeing what you said about carbs & protein, what is your opinion of Red Beans and Rice?

    @fasting me. Bingo. Yes it can look like a lot or it can look like very little. Real whole foods with a lot of fibre can look like a lot but actually be very little calories wise and vice versa. Carbs as long as they are locked in with fibre are not a problem (in my opinion). As soon as you talk processed foods that concept disappears. Even when they advertise it as containing lots of fibre its not the same. The fibre needs to lock the carbs up, not simply be added in afterwards so as to meet some dietary minimum standard. Food companies are good at that trick.

    Regards red beans or any beans, I eat them all the time. My staple is legume/bean + veg based curries and stews. Im not a vego but I don’t eat a lot of meat. I try and incorporate a lot of leafy greens in bean type curries/stews as it helps with gas. Leafy greens contain amylase (your body also produces it but some people don’t produce enough) which is needed for the breakdown of fibre in your small intestines. Otherwise your large intestine bacteria have to do all the hard work and the by product is gas. With regards to rice (especially white rice) I personally don’t have it. Fibre content is about 1g per 100g. Its too low. So the carb hit is way too big. I place it in the same category as bread, not as healthy as its been made out to be. Red beans, fibre content is 25g per 100g.

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