When do you get to your goal?

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When do you get to your goal?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tobias Karlsson 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi Everybody,

    I am nearing my goal, and I am having thoughts on when do you change to a 6.1? Having been on this for nearly three months.

    I am 5lbs away to my first goal of very pleasing 11.10 or do I go down to 11.7 which is 8 lb away, to allow for a bit of up and down weight? I must say it must be over 15 years since I was anywhere near 11.7 mark.

    OR Do we contine on the 5.2 until the diet reaches its own plateau, and you have arrived at the weight which you should be for your own height?

    Any thoughts anybody


    congratulations to being almost there – well done! I think there is no one good answer to your question but I think it depends on what your goal with the fasting is. I actually went to 6:1 this week after 1 year. I wanted to wait that long as I was still trying out things on both my fasting and feasting days, so I could conclude after a longer period that I had found a pattern that really seems to work for me and that any blood test was just not “an odd one out”. I do this mainly because of my cholesterole levels which are now just great – I never thought I could get to these levels. They are well within the healthy range and I have kept my body weight as well on this level (70-71kg and 182cm) for almost the whole year, so I am quite certain that from this perspective, I have eating habits where input pretty much equals output in terms of calories consumed and burnt. I think that using the plateau as a base line can be a good strategy. If you see that your body does not lose more weight, and can maintain that level for some time, you may perhaps have reached a level where your body tells you that it feels fine like that and you can go to maintenance mode. I think the answer really is that you should listen to your body – I have to be honest and say that I felt that going to 6:1 was just about time. I felt quite drained lately after my second fasting day during the week and I think that I had come to a point where I was actually depleting some of the “reserves” that my body wanted to keep. So now we will see how I will feel about 6:1 after a while!

    Good luck with your fasting!

    Thanks Tobias,

    I think I will continue for another 2 months, which will be 1st January, then decide where I would like to be. I thought I had reached a plateau then 2 pounds came off! so for now I will still push on.

    Thanks for your kind words, as other people have said there is not much in the book to help you onto the 6.1 phase.

    Cheers and good luck to your 6.1 and keep us informed.

    Hi Symba7,

    wish you strength for the Christmas period :). I will see if I can manage not eating that much during that period… I will kind of feel the pressure from my mother-in-law to taste everything on the Christmas table 🙂

    I think that we need to accept that we are self-experimenting to some extent and then keep on sharing our experience. As so many people go on this diet now, I am sure that there will be much more reliable data over the next few years. I will soon measure my weight again – I expect to have put on a little, although I do not see it, at least not yet. And I think that even if we may not know the “ultimate” way of fasting yet, when to go to 6:1 etc (if ever there will be an answer), it is probably much better to do something, even if not the optimal scheme, in this area than doing nothing.

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