When can I eat?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Dummerchen 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Today is my first fast day. I didn’t have anything to eat after 10pm last night, has 250 cal breakfast at 11.00am and. 250 cal meal at 4.30pm. When can I eat? I’m starving!

    I’d say go for a warm liquid – broth, tea, hot water and lemon juice. And maybe next fast day try adjusting your meal times – like eat lunch and dinner and skip breakfast.
    Not sure if it’s available where you are, but this is one of my favorite things (http://tinyurl.com/imaginetomatosoup) – it’s pretty low calorie and one or two warm servings (it’s 80 cal for 1 cup) with a salad leaves me feeling full for a nice long time.

    Debrak1, if you had read the FAQ and Michael’s book you would know the answer to your question. I suggest you first get some basic information about 5:2 before you start your second fast day.

    By the way, you can eat whenever and whatever you want, as long as you do not exceed the calorie limit for a fast day. If you already had your 500 kcal, you will have to wait until tomorrow.

    Congratulations on starting 5:2! You will typically find a lot of great support here! My suggestion is that in order to have the greatest ‘repair of cells’ or in otherwords, improving your lipid profiles etc., you will want to go as long as you can–preferably 12 hours, between breakfast and dinner. Otherwise, if you cannot do this, you just need to have no more than 500 cal for that 24-36 hour day. You will probably still lose weight…you may have to experiment with it and see which works best for you. I have only done the 11-12 hour fast between breakfast and dinner, I haven’t tried the other. The main thing is the extreme reduction in calories on two days out of the week–in my understanding of the 5:2 Fast concept anyway. Hope it helps and best of luck to you!

    I have decided to do this 5:2. I have some questions on meal ideas for fasting days?
    I am fairly active in my job, some ideas of how to spread out the 500 c to get most energy would be awesome.

    Hi Amy, I don’t eat breakfast, have a small amount of protein (the 2 egg yolks from hubbys omelette) at lunchtime, and usually have a chicken & veg soup about 6pm. I drink lots of fluids – tea and water during the day.

    My hubby has half a banana for breakfast, then for lunch I make him an omelette with 1 whole egg & the whites of 2 eggs. I add a dash of water, some herbs, a shallot and a small amount of capsicum. He eats the omelette with some tomato, rocket and grated carrot. He then has the same soup as me for dinner.

    You will work out what works best for you as you go along. I use calorieking online to find out whats lowest in calories. Good luck.

    Miss Amy, a lot of fasters start out with lots of little meals or snacks only to discover it makes them hungry. Most come round to eating only one meal on a fast day. You still have enough energy to work or do sports. We are generally (too) well nourished in the Western world and have sufficient reserves to carry on regardless.
    It is the mind that tells you you cannot do things because you have not eaten yet. Your body just uses the stored energy, it does not care about one day without food.

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