Just out of interest what days have you chosen to fast? I’m thinking either Monday or Tuesday and then Thursday.
Also is it ok to change them if you have a week when your chosen days won’t work?
Nicole x
This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Coffeebrain_gal 6 years, 5 months ago.
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I usually do Monday and Thursday. If that won’t work then some weeks I’ll switch to Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Wednesday. Very occasionally when I realise I’ve forgotten about a day not working for fasting I’ll do it from lunchtime one day to dinner the next day. I don’t think that’s quite as good as normal day, but it’s better than not doing it at all. Sometimes I just have to do a 6:1 instead of a 5:2. I have never done a Friday, Saturday or Sunday in the 5.5 years I’ve been doing this.
Definitely OK to change as needed and works for you. Hope this helps.
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2:13 pm
4 Aug 18