Hi all, like most of you I’ve read the book, watched the Horizon show and re-searched the Web.
But I am still alittle confused about the fast “goal” is it to go as long as poss without eating?, or so long as you stick to your controlled calorie intake is all good. for example:
If you eat dinner on a non fast day at 6pm, then the next day is your fast day and you have a 200 calorie breakfast at 8am (14hr gap), no lunch, then 400 calorie dinner at 6pm. then nothing until breakfast the next day (non fast) at 8am.
I assume your fast has affectivley lasted 38 hrs?
6pm non fast to 8am fast – 14hrs
then 8am fast to 8am non fast – 24hrs
Or are you better of eating your last fast meal at 6pm, then going all the way until 6pm the next day on a fast and taking in your cals in one go – a 24 hrs pure fast ?
10:00 am
30 Aug 13