What Michael and Mimi did next…

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What Michael and Mimi did next…

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  wobblywendy 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • What Michael and Mimi did next…

    You may be wondering why Michael and I have been a bit quiet of late – it’s because both of us have been busy working on the next generation of Fast books.

    Michael’s new title is Fast Exercise. You might think of this as a sibling to The Fast Diet: we all know that eating less and moving more is the key to losing weight and staying healthy – and in Fast Exercise, Michael examines the intriguing science behind High Intensity Training (HIT). This radical new exercise regime requires just a few minutes of activity each day, promising to get you fitter, stronger and better toned in the time it might take you to drink a cappuccino or flick through the morning papers. The book details exactly how to get the greatest benefit from your short, sharp bursts of training, with sports journalist Peta Bee on board to show you how – whatever your age or level of fitness. The New York Times has called it ‘a health revolution’. Let us know what you think.

    Fast Exercise is an ideal accompaniment to the Fast Diet; what they have in common, of course, is that neither requires a daily drudge: no hours in the gym, no slogging away on the treadmill, no constant dieting. If you’re thinking of embarking on a New Year health kick, it makes perfect sense to combine the two.

    With that in mind, I have been putting the finishing touches to Fast Cook, which is published in February. It follows on from The Fast Diet Recipe Book, but takes a more practical and familiar approach. You’ll find speedy, easy favourites, plenty of new recipes for dishes that you know and love, and lots of hearty, warming, sustaining meals – each of them carefully calorie controlled to suit a Fast Day.

    Finally, on the book front, The Fast Diet remains the best-selling book on Amazon for the whole of 2013; it has also been shortlisted for National Book Awards. We’re both absolutely delighted by this – and our thanks go to you, our readers, for your commitment and enthusiasm. So, here’s to Team Fast Diet – and Happy Christmas to you all. Just don’t make the 25th a Fast Day, eh?

    Thanks for the info.

    I have just checked on Amazon and Michael’s book will be coming out on the 19th of December, at least here in Canada. Your book is not yet listed? When will it be released?

    Congrats on getting shortlisted and on your overall success.

    Thanks Stef. My new cook book comes out in the UK mid-Feb – not yet listed on Amazon (it will be in the New Year). It’s publishing in the USA later in the year – will keep you posted!

    congrats! mimi & michael

    Looking forward to it! Keep them coming. Books updating us on the latest research when the effects of the fast diet become clearer with more data to back up the theory would be of great interest

    Hello. I’m not sure if this is the right place to put forward this question but here goes. There is a product on the market from Dr Hasselbach known as the 5:2 Fast Formula and as he mentions Michael, is Michael endorsing this product?

    I bought both fast diet and exercise e books on the same day last week and have already got 3 other folk on board and I’ve only done 1 fast day do far. Such is the logic of your approach to health and well being forever.

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