What Is the Treatment for High Triglycerides?

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What Is the Treatment for High Triglycerides?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • mine r way 2 high

    The main way to deal with high triglyceride levels is by eating a healthier diet and getting more exercise. Here are some guidelines to help you manage your triglyceride level:

    Moderate exercise on five or more days each week can help lower triglyceride levels.

    Losing 5%-10% of your weight can lower triglycerides. People with a healthy weight are more likely to have normal triglyceride levels. Belly fat is associated with higher levels.

    Reducing saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol in your diet can improve triglyceride levels and help manage cholesterol. Eating less carbohydrates in your diet will also help lower triglyceride levels.

    Drinking alcohol can raise triglyceride levels. Some studies show that drinking more than one drink a day for women or two for men can raise triglyceride levels by a lot. Some people with high triglycerides may need to cut out alcohol entirely.

    Eating more fish high in omega-3s can lower triglyceride levels. Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon are high in omega-3s. It may be hard to get enough omega-3s from food to help lower your triglycerides. Your doctor may recommend a supplement or prescription omega-3s.

    For some people with high triglycerides, medicine may be needed. The decision to treat triglyceride levels with drugs can be complicated because other health conditions are usually involved. Several medications can improve triglyceride levels:

    Fibrates such as Lopid, Fibricor, and Tricor
    Nicotinic acid, also called Niaspan
    High-doses of omega-3s are needed to lower triglycerides and should be taken only under a doctor’s care. Lovaza and Vascepa are prescription forms of omega-3s.
    By taking steps to improve your triglyceride levels, you’ll likely improve your overall health, fitness, cholesterol levels, and risk for heart disease.


    When I started off last year with some improvised daily calorie restriction, I could really see a massive improvement for my triglycerides that went down by around a third. I am tempted to think that it was simply down to laying off a number of kilos of fat because the cholesterole levels remained more or less “intact” (unfortunately). So in my case, losing weight was really the key to lowering the triglycerides, just as suggested above as a way to improve the triglycerides. They are now around 0.8-0.9 in my case which is by the end of the lower scale whereas they used to be around 1.5 which is still OK, but it contributed to a higher-than-normal overall cholesterol level. Interestingly, with the fasting diet (rather than daily calorie restriction), my body reacted much better in terms of cholesterol lowering: LDL went down to 3.1 (down with around 15%) and HDL rose by around 10% to around 1.50. The triglycerides remained around 0.8-0.9 so my total cholesterol went down to around 4.8.

    Hi wiltidnr (you need a simpler name) and Tobias
    It’s interesting that tryglicerides are not much mentioned (or maybe measured) much?
    When I started in January I was 90.8kg, BMI 34.8, cholesterol 7.2 and tryglicerieds 3.2.
    New GP made threatening noises about type 2 diabetes which scared the hell out of me.
    I had read about 5:2, got the book and started. I don’t eat on fast days, just 2 40 hour periods of water, gym 5 mornings a week on crosstrainer for 1 hour.
    12 weeks later 80.7kg, BMI 30.1, chol 5.9, tryglicerides 0.8
    So the weight loss certainly contributed to the chol and trygliceride losses (I found that on eating days I now eat less and am not hungry), but still have wine every (non-fast) day.
    Weight is now 75.2, BMI 28.3, will do the blood tests again next month after 40 weeks, hopefully my cholesterol has dropped further and tryglicerides have stabilised at the low reading of 0.8ish.


    u can call me usa 2 make it easier if u want

    wow u have a nice routine glad 2 hear that the triges

    r lower
    mine r lower but still way high & i’m a type2diab now

    so wish u never 2 get it

    ur 165.788 lbs now
    wow that fantastic being in the 193’s+-

    it nice 2 c a future

    Tobias Karlsson

    lower cholesterol

    triges nope


    & it’s the triges that r the most dangerous

    mayb in my 6 month test they will be lower 😀

    To reduce trcliglycerldes it is best to reduce you carbohydrates as this is the usual cause of this problem.

    Hi Vicki – sorry for seeing this post only now. With a child (second one in a month!) and a manager job, I have a tendency to disappear 🙁 but please forgive me… Wow, you are really amazing – that weight loss is truly fantastic and also the impact on your “bloods” is. 5.9 would be considered normal by many, depending on whether you have other risk factors or not. A BMI of 28 is from what I know within the normal weight range for woman (perhaps in the upper range though), so you have really made an impact on your health! Congratulations! It seems you will also have your anniversary soon if I understand you correctly 🙂

    I would like to clarify one thing regarding my fasting: I started out on daily calorie restriction, which was an ill-planned but very passionate and exciting period in my life. I lost a good deal of weight, triglycerides and magnesium during this time… but it had no impact at all on my LDL and HDL cholesterol. Then I picked up 5:2 because I felt that it was more sustainable, physically and psychologically, in the long run. This did not make any FURTHER difference to my triglycerides, but they remained on that level (0.8). However, my cholesterol reacted amazingly well to this diet and I am now on 4.5 total cholesterol (LDL 2.8, HDL 1.4, TG 0.8). I also lost a little bit more weight, but mainly 5:2 has been about keeping the weight I have reached and enjoy the other benefits, like being sharper etc. This is after one year; after 6 months it was 4.8. I now expect it to increase a little as I am on 6:1 now. So I think in my case, it was the weight loss itself – regardless of method – that lowered my triglycerides that much. But I know that USA listed a number of ways to reduce TG in another post. I may just have been lucky that this worked for me. However, my IGF1 was a bitter disappointment when I had it measured the other week.

    Vicki, what is the composition of your value of 5.9? I mean besides the triglycerides, what is the LDL and HDL values? Something like LDL 4 and HDL 1.5? That would still be a healthy ratio according to many… so just curious what it is.

    Take care!

    Hi everyone, I see no posts here since mid October but will say this anyway

    Just want to say I ALMOST made my goal of 70kg by Christmas! Not quite, but have now lost the magical 20.1kg (3 stone 2 lbs) since 22/1/13 (exactly 11 months). Now 70.7kg from 90.8 in January!!!!!!!!!
    Had blood tests last week and
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January), 5.9 (April), 5.4 (last week)
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January), 0.8 (April), 0.6 (last week)
    BMI from 34.8 to 30.1 to 26.61 today.

    I feel great and will fast forever, and I am determined not to put on ANY weight over Christmas – last week bought a 16C, unbelievable feeling! Onward to 66kg.

    Merry Christmas USA & Tobias


    merry xmas 2 u 2
    & 2 tobias
    & yoyo

    1st of all WOW WOW WOW


    ur stats r magnifique 😀

    “Now 70.7kg from 90.8 in January!!!!!!!!!WOW WOW WOW
    Had blood tests last week and
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January), 5.9 (April), 5.4 (last week)WOW WOW WOW
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January), 0.8 (April), 0.6 (last week)WOW WOW WOW
    BMI from 34.8 to 30.1 to 26.61 today.WOW WOW WOW


    take care


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