What do people have for breakfast

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What do people have for breakfast

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  MRSBLH123 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi I’m new to the forum, but I just wanted to ask what people tend to have for breakfast.
    I watched the Right Diet programme on the BBC over the last three nights and they mentioned that it is more effective to stick to low carbohydrate foods on fast days.
    I’m a carb junkie in the mornings I normally have toast or porridge, so I would like some inspiration.

    Thanks Miggy

    I just started 5:2 yesterday and I have to have breakfast otherwise I end up thinking about food all day. On my fast days I might have a poached egg on wholemeal toast (no spread) or smoked salmon on toast both with a couple of strawberries or other fruit. I also have greek yoghurt that I will have a small portion of with a few raspberries or blueberries mixed in.

    Hi, I am also confused over this. I started 5:2 last week and so far so good. I’m careful on the 5 days as well as sticking to 500 cals on the fast days. Lost 1 kg so far which is ok but not amazing. Anyway, to breakfast. I find 35g of large oats plus water and 100 mls of unsweetened almond milk keeps me going all morning on less than 200 cals. Would I lose more weight if I had protein to the same cals?

    I have an omelette: whisk one med egg only, cook in non-stick pan until underneath is cooked then add 60gms fresh spinach and finish off under grill. Very different from my usual porridge, rasp and nuts n seeds but delicious and only 94 calories. It’s a bit fiddly working out calories but just Google and there is so much info out there!

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