What consists of "breaking fast" in intermittent fasting?

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What consists of "breaking fast" in intermittent fasting?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Emma.Crawford 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I am wanting to give intermittent fasting a try after hearing all about it on the Joe Rogan podcast.

    I have tried 5:2 before, but now I want to try only eating for a certain period of each day. I’m going to start with a 15/9 approach first, and then start shortening it if I feel like I can. So my eating period will be between 11am – 7pm or 12pm – 8pm.

    The only issue I have is that I do my HIIT work outs daily at 6am. At the moment I take Oxyshred, a pre-workout supplement to help with my energy levels prior to my workouts. It is 5 calories per serve.

    Would I still be able to have this prior to my workouts in the morning? Or would that be considered “breaking fast” and therefore defeating the purpose of fasting?

    Any help would be great!


    Alana, I didn’t find this topic covered in the 5:2 book, but did look at other sources as I also adhere to an eating window. There is some variation in opinion, but it seems that anything under approx 50 calories will not pull your body out of a fasting state.

    You do HIIT and you need to take supplements? HIIT is 100% maximum intensity that you can sustain for 20-30 seconds and is designed to deplete glycogen stores. You could repeat the effort several times with low intensity recovery periods, but it should be all over and done with within 15-20 minutes. Are you sure its HIIT? If you can sustain the effort for longer than 20 seconds its not HIIT.

    If its 5 calories then I wouldn’t worry about it. You burn 1 calorie per minute at rest, let alone when doing elevated workouts. Take it if you think it helps.

    PS. Sorry forgot to add to above post. I “nearly” water fast on my fast days. I say nearly because I allow myself 2-3 cups of coffee with a splash of milk. Perhaps 40-50 calories max. This does not stop me from getting into ketosis by late afternoon. About 20-24 hours after my last proper meal. This is not guess work but is measured using a keto meter. So 5 calories. No problems. Doubly sure its not a problem if the calories are from protein and or fat rather than carbs.

    @ljoyce – That’s basically exactly the information I was after. Thank you!

    @bigbooty – Sorry, I’ve probably (most definitely) used the term HIIT incorrectly here. I do what I refer to as “high intensity” workout, so more than just a leisurely jog on the treadmill.
    I do a weights focused workout, with 3 sets of 15(ish) of a certain exercise, and then in between each set I spent 45 seconds doing high intensity cardio (high knees, sprints, box jumps, etc.) and then jump straight into the second set. The whole workout takes about an hour, and I’m not really resting, except while setting up the next weights exercise. As it’s so early in the morning, and I need energy to burst into those high intensity cardio sections, I have found that a pre-workout (I use Oxyshred) has helped me with my energy levels.
    Thanks for you information though – very helpful! 🙂

    My research has shown that when you break your fast, you feast. You should eat protein and fats until you are satiated. The riced cauliflower wasn’t enough for your body to feast on. Your being light headed was your body telling you it needed something. It could have been just a need for electrolytes.

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