What am I doing wrong?

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What am I doing wrong?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  krishna 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I had lost a bit of weight on this plan, and loving it, but the past few days I seem to be putting it on again..each morning the scales creep up a little..but I have done 2 fast days on the few days, plus lots of exercise..a 22,000 step 7 mile walk, cleaned someone’s house for 3 hours non stop and a 10,000 step walk too..what am I doing wrong?

    You might find this post interesting – I know I did when thinking the same thoughts as you! The thrust of it is to be patient, keep doing what you are doing and it will work, you just might not see a difference on the scales as quickly as you want!


    The answer to the “what am I doing wrong” question that is so often posted on this forum is “being impatient”
    Have you read the book?
    It states clearly that weight loss is slow and irregular and that over a period of time 5:2 will bring about an average weight loss of 1-2lb per week which is variable from person to person, and usually nearer to 1lb than 2.
    It is a marathon, not a sprint, but IMO the faster it comes off the faster it goes back on, whereas this diet soon turns into a way of life with new healthier eating habits and health benfits brought about by fasting.
    Keep doing what you are doing and the weight will come off. I have just been through a phase of not losing for several weeks and now 4lbs has come off in less than a week.
    Exercise will help make/keep you fit and toned, but fasting is what gets rid of the excess baggage.

    I’m really not looking to lose weight quickly, so I don’t think it’s about being impatient, with respect..my question was more about why when I have been following the plan and doing excercise should the scales be going up rather than staying the same or going down. It seems slightly counter intuitive to me! If I lose 1lb a week thats fine by me, but if I “do it right” and the scales go up its a little disheartening!

    Your weight varies from day to day depending on what you’ve eaten, if you are retaining fluid, and numerous other reasons regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight. It can go up several lbs during the course of a day. IMO jumping on the scales every day can be counterintuitive.

    It’s because the scale doesn’t just measure your fat loss but show the overall weight, which contains water weight + muscle + bone + fat weight. So, don’t just go over it and get dishearten.

    Overnight fluctuations are very common due to water being retained in the body for many reasons, like, consuming more salt, not drinking enough water or doing some pretty good heavy cardio/exercise.

    I do 3-4 days of HIIT (Jumping Jacks), and am still losing weight.

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