Well here we go !

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Anna2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Well first day. Going to fast first.

    I’ve tried lots of diets in the last. Some worked some didn’t but I’ve read the book and it makes sense so going to give it a try.

    I’ve got my goal set for next February so only time will tell

    Where do you get recipes from for the fasting days ? Need to keep it interesting !!

    Welcome! May this be the last diet you try! Do you know about the recipe book for the diet? I don’t have if but have heard good things from people on the forum who are finding inspiration.
    All the best!

    Welcome meldoig! I bought the recipe book and it has some very interesting recipes in it; Mimi uses quite a lot of spices to perk things up…I particularly like her carrot soup with ginger and star anise,it’s great & very low calorie. I would say buy the book if you want to try something different.
    Good luck with the diet.

    It’s my first day too and I feel really positive. I downloaded the book and recipe book to my kindle last week and today is my first fast day. Feeling good so here we go! Have about 2 stones to loose.

    Hello meldoig and Anna2

    Welcome to both of you

    Well done for taking the fast diet plunge!

    Well Anna perhaps we can do this journey together. How has you first day gone ?

    First day has gone well, no hunger at all! Hope you got on o.k. too. Bring on the second fast on Thursday!

    So how has your week gone Anna .

    3rd fast day today and am enjoying using the recipe books. Don’t even really feel hungry! Will weigh in on Sunday. Hope everyone else is getting on o.k. too.

    Welcome newbies! (Said the newbie). Keep us posted on your progress!

    Thanks Nika. Anna what recipe books are you using ?

    I have the Mimi Spencer and the Kate Harrison ones. There are some really good recipes in them.

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