Welcome to Outstanding October Challenge!

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  • 2nd Post – Day 24

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍋
    @flourbaby FD800
    @northgeorgia possibly, perhaps, maybe..? 🤔

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I keep struggling to figure out the biggest change I’ve made that is finally allowing me to make progress, and I think–THINK–it’s because I’m not nibbling. That’s not always true, but it’s certainly mostly true. But perhaps it’s the OMAD I do once or twice a week, because I’m feeling bad about how much I ate the day before.

    On the other hand, I haven’t slept well for ten days or more, and I have continual headaches. So, yes, I’m on a roll, but it’s coming at a price. However, if I’d been asked ten pounds ago (well, seven is maybe more accurate) if I’d be willing to give up good sleep and suffer frequent headaches in order to lose weight, I’d have said, “Well, CERTAINLY!!!” 😂🤣😂 So…🤷🏻‍♀️

    @funshipfreddie I think there’s nothing more real than people honestly discussing their weight loss journey, both its successes and its challenges that prevent success, so your emotion/mental state cannot possibly be labeled as TMI within this group. As @jaifaim described us, we’re warm world-wide friends, so share away as you choose and are ready. We’ll love you no matter what, and support you in what you go through.

    I’d rather go take a nap, but probably wouldn’t fall asleep, and have lots to do, so I guess I’ll get on it.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍋
    @flourbaby FD800
    @northgeorgia possibly, perhaps, maybe..? 🤔
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 24 CD
    Day 23 NFD/CD
    Day 22 NFD/CD

    I’m back! I had to come home early bc my wheelchair broke, but glad to be home. I love DD dearly so will miss being with her. And I’m mentally and physically exhausted with all the planning/problem-solving and practical things.

    I haven’t fasted but I have eaten mindfully – my usual 0 breakfast, black decaf coffee and herbal tea, not as much water as at home, and far more carbs than I would choose – baked beans, baked potato/sweet potato, risotto, rice cakes – so feeling v puffy. But I also swerved so many temptations – sweets, cakes, biscuits – including train snacks, in favour of an apple! So plenty to be proud of even as I feel myself swelling up.

    I came back at lunchtime and fitted in a wheelchair swap and an emergency trip to the dentist, plus a supermarket shop and some laundry. OMAD supper was corn on the cob, panfried marinaded tofu with pak choi and mushrooms and quorn fillets, followed by a fruity vegan yogurt. Not enough veg so far this week but I’m defrosting a dahl for tomororw and may make it into a bonus FD with lots of water, to get back into the swing.

    I’m home until Monday so can reset my habits, then on silent retreat for a week, staying in a community of Benedictine monks and nuns. I’ll get to choose portion size but not what I eat, other than skipping the biscuits in favour of fruit. And no scales from 28 Oct – 4 Nov! But it’s also just a couple of train stops from DD so I can go over and see her for a day next week.

    I’ve just had a quick read of posts – lovely to read everyone’s news.
    @jaifaim welcome back – your holiday sounds epic and worth every lb!
    @stitchincarol congrats on this epic low and mushroomed motivation!!
    @funshipfreddie whatever you are going through, i hope this feels like a safe space where you can be as open and honest as you choose. Meanwhile I hope the appointment is helpful and sleep becomes restorative again. And thank you for your thoughtfulness in herding the pocket list each day 🙂
    @northgeorgia cookies exist solely to lead you away from your chosen goal of greater health and energy…. Can you avoid having them in the house? Hope today’s meeting went well
    @ccco be gentle with yourself
    @excelsior12309 thank you for your encouragement, always much appreciated
    @brightonbelle @missybear you’ve got this!

    Day 24 – NE England

    I’ve been away for a few days attending the funeral of a younger friend, sad times but a really lovely send off. It makes you re-evaluate what is important. I got a bit out of kilter with eating, it was more a case of get what’s available while it’s there. Eating breakfast felt odd, but when you know there probably won’t be any lunch……..
    I haven’t been on the scales for a few days but will do so tomorrow and hope for the best.
    On this pre-diabetic programme we are encouraged to journal our meals each day which I’ve been doing vaguely, not counting grams or calories, but just what the meal consists off. I find it quite useful to look back for ideas on days when I feel stuck and also to see what I ate on weeks when I was losing pounds.
    I am feeling good about the last days of October, we can do this.

    Day 25, NFD, Aus

    I keep missing days! Wed’s FD was super easy. I didn’t have PFDS on Thurs, however, it was more a feeling of ‘yes, I’m back in the groove, and this is just normal routine’. Yay!

    Last night’s wine dinner was lovely, thanks for asking. It featured wines from a local winery called Clonakilla. They are renowned for their Shiraz Viognier. Sadly, however, they’re prices have been creeping up over the years and it’s now really beyond our means. So we especially enjoyed last night.

    I have two dogs, @excelsior12309. Apart from wanting them to be decently behaved companions, I do agility with my young girl (it’s like an obstacle course for dogs). I have also started being a dog instructor this year at my local club – really I’m a people instructor. Helping to give people the skills and techniques to teach their own dogs how to behave. The relationship between human and dog is …. so special in my books!

    Hope you’re tracking ok @funshipfreddie, and v pleased to hear you are seeking out some professional help. Good for you!

    @flourbaby – that has to be among the worst feelings, thinking it’s Friday when really it’s only Thursday. And the reverse is one of the better feelings I think – waking up thinking it’s only Thursday then to realise the end of the week has already arrived!

    Busy times for you @michelinme; enjoy the retreat!

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