2nd Post – Day 24
Pocket List – Day 24 🍋
@flourbaby FD800
@northgeorgia possibly, perhaps, maybe..? 🤔
This topic contains 322 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by Iona72 3 months, 2 weeks ago.
2nd Post – Day 24
Pocket List – Day 24 🍋
@flourbaby FD800
@northgeorgia possibly, perhaps, maybe..? 🤔
Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD
I keep struggling to figure out the biggest change I’ve made that is finally allowing me to make progress, and I think–THINK–it’s because I’m not nibbling. That’s not always true, but it’s certainly mostly true. But perhaps it’s the OMAD I do once or twice a week, because I’m feeling bad about how much I ate the day before.
On the other hand, I haven’t slept well for ten days or more, and I have continual headaches. So, yes, I’m on a roll, but it’s coming at a price. However, if I’d been asked ten pounds ago (well, seven is maybe more accurate) if I’d be willing to give up good sleep and suffer frequent headaches in order to lose weight, I’d have said, “Well, CERTAINLY!!!” 😂🤣😂 So…🤷🏻♀️
@funshipfreddie I think there’s nothing more real than people honestly discussing their weight loss journey, both its successes and its challenges that prevent success, so your emotion/mental state cannot possibly be labeled as TMI within this group. As @jaifaim described us, we’re warm world-wide friends, so share away as you choose and are ready. We’ll love you no matter what, and support you in what you go through.
I’d rather go take a nap, but probably wouldn’t fall asleep, and have lots to do, so I guess I’ll get on it.
Have a grand one, everyone!
Pocket List – Day 24 🍋
@flourbaby FD800
@northgeorgia possibly, perhaps, maybe..? 🤔
@stitchincarol WFD
Day 24 CD
Day 23 NFD/CD
Day 22 NFD/CD
I’m back! I had to come home early bc my wheelchair broke, but glad to be home. I love DD dearly so will miss being with her. And I’m mentally and physically exhausted with all the planning/problem-solving and practical things.
I haven’t fasted but I have eaten mindfully – my usual 0 breakfast, black decaf coffee and herbal tea, not as much water as at home, and far more carbs than I would choose – baked beans, baked potato/sweet potato, risotto, rice cakes – so feeling v puffy. But I also swerved so many temptations – sweets, cakes, biscuits – including train snacks, in favour of an apple! So plenty to be proud of even as I feel myself swelling up.
I came back at lunchtime and fitted in a wheelchair swap and an emergency trip to the dentist, plus a supermarket shop and some laundry. OMAD supper was corn on the cob, panfried marinaded tofu with pak choi and mushrooms and quorn fillets, followed by a fruity vegan yogurt. Not enough veg so far this week but I’m defrosting a dahl for tomororw and may make it into a bonus FD with lots of water, to get back into the swing.
I’m home until Monday so can reset my habits, then on silent retreat for a week, staying in a community of Benedictine monks and nuns. I’ll get to choose portion size but not what I eat, other than skipping the biscuits in favour of fruit. And no scales from 28 Oct – 4 Nov! But it’s also just a couple of train stops from DD so I can go over and see her for a day next week.
I’ve just had a quick read of posts – lovely to read everyone’s news.
@jaifaim welcome back – your holiday sounds epic and worth every lb!
@stitchincarol congrats on this epic low and mushroomed motivation!!
@funshipfreddie whatever you are going through, i hope this feels like a safe space where you can be as open and honest as you choose. Meanwhile I hope the appointment is helpful and sleep becomes restorative again. And thank you for your thoughtfulness in herding the pocket list each day 🙂
@northgeorgia cookies exist solely to lead you away from your chosen goal of greater health and energy…. Can you avoid having them in the house? Hope today’s meeting went well
@ccco be gentle with yourself
@excelsior12309 thank you for your encouragement, always much appreciated
@brightonbelle @missybear you’ve got this!
Day 24 – NE England
I’ve been away for a few days attending the funeral of a younger friend, sad times but a really lovely send off. It makes you re-evaluate what is important. I got a bit out of kilter with eating, it was more a case of get what’s available while it’s there. Eating breakfast felt odd, but when you know there probably won’t be any lunch……..
I haven’t been on the scales for a few days but will do so tomorrow and hope for the best.
On this pre-diabetic programme we are encouraged to journal our meals each day which I’ve been doing vaguely, not counting grams or calories, but just what the meal consists off. I find it quite useful to look back for ideas on days when I feel stuck and also to see what I ate on weeks when I was losing pounds.
I am feeling good about the last days of October, we can do this.
Day 25, NFD, Aus
I keep missing days! Wed’s FD was super easy. I didn’t have PFDS on Thurs, however, it was more a feeling of ‘yes, I’m back in the groove, and this is just normal routine’. Yay!
Last night’s wine dinner was lovely, thanks for asking. It featured wines from a local winery called Clonakilla. They are renowned for their Shiraz Viognier. Sadly, however, they’re prices have been creeping up over the years and it’s now really beyond our means. So we especially enjoyed last night.
I have two dogs, @excelsior12309. Apart from wanting them to be decently behaved companions, I do agility with my young girl (it’s like an obstacle course for dogs). I have also started being a dog instructor this year at my local club – really I’m a people instructor. Helping to give people the skills and techniques to teach their own dogs how to behave. The relationship between human and dog is …. so special in my books!
Hope you’re tracking ok @funshipfreddie, and v pleased to hear you are seeking out some professional help. Good for you!
@flourbaby – that has to be among the worst feelings, thinking it’s Friday when really it’s only Thursday. And the reverse is one of the better feelings I think – waking up thinking it’s only Thursday then to realise the end of the week has already arrived!
Busy times for you @michelinme; enjoy the retreat!
Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.3 kg
Easy peasy FD. Not sure if it’s PFDS I’m experiencing, or just relief that it’s over. I’ll never be one of those people who looks forward to a FD 🙄 Even when I don’t experience hunger, there’s almost always a hint of self-deprivation at the back of my mind. Which I suppose is normal, it’s not supposed to be effortless, right..?
Thanks so much to everyone for your kind & thoughtful words, @stitchincarol, @excelsior12309, @jaifaim, @michelinme, @flourbaby & @penz 🙏 I did wake up again at some weird time; it was still dark outside, but I resisted checking the time & eventually fell asleep again until the moggie woke me at 7 am.
@jaifaim – ‘epiphany’, that’s the perfect word for what I experienced a week ago! The appointment isn’t until Nov 5th, so I’ve got plenty of time to think things over, get some thoughts down on paper & try to make the most of the session. No idea if it’s just one visit, or of the cost involved. Hopefully my medical aid will cover some, if not all of it 🤞
@flourbaby – that’s so true, sleep deprivation is the worst. 4 am?! I quickly realised when I adopted Boo Boo 3 & half years ago that she wouldn’t be able to sleep in my room at night. I still feel guilty when I close the bedroom door every night, but it just doesn’t work. So I leave her watching cat videos on YouTube, & she has her own bedroom. I even got her YouTube Premium for her birthday last month, so she doesn’t have to watch those annoying commercials 😅 Your comment re the judge Judy saga made me LOL 🤣
@michelinme – so sorry you had to cut your trip short, but what a lovely way to end the retreat by getting to spend a day with your daughter again 🙂
@stitchincarol – continuous headaches? That must be so unpleasant. Do you think they’re caused by lack of sleep? It seems very unfair to have to sacrifice good sleep to lose a few pounds, & I hope you can find a way to have enough sleep AND reach your desired weight 🤗
@iona72 – sorry to hear about the loss of your younger friend. There really is nothing like losing a loved one to put things in perspective.
@excelsior12309 – I think the whole planet will breathe a collective sigh of relief when THE election is over & the results are conclusive.
@penz – sounds like you’re keeping busy in a fun & rewarding way during your year off. And it’s great to hear you’re back in the groove! 💪
Happy Fri-yay! 🍹
Day 25 UK CD
On my own this weekend , feels very odd as first time in 8-9 years
Good to hear about your trip @jaifaim
I’m sure you’ll work things through @funshipfreddie hope you don’t miss too much sleep in the interim
Right time to get my yoga mat out 🧘♂️see ya tomorrow
Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Yep, yesterday worked out fine as another FD500 or FD800 (uncertain because I had some of mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup). @michelinme Yeah, the cookies are at mom’s house, not mine, so it takes even more willpower haha! Still, having that many cookies is unusual for me, so I’ll be more aware next time.
I am happy with my progress this month. I started off rough, with two weeks of no fasting thanks to antibiotics and steroids to get rid of some lingering crud. My 10-day moving average has dropped from a high of 238.9 down to 235.4 today, or 240 lbs single-day to 233 a couple of days ago. Next week will be more tricky with several lunch meetings, but I think I can still get in a couple of days going into November.
Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD
Thanks for all the concern for the headaches and lack of sleep. I finally slept about 8 hours last night, so that’s a joy, and I woke with no headache. After I was up for 20 minutes, I had one, but it’s been well over an hour and now it’s gone. 🤷🏻♀️ As I think back over the years, I’ve often gotten headache clusters in autumn, so perhaps that’s all these have been, and not directly related to fasting…who knows. They’re not migraines, and not hideous, just irritating. I’ve been given a Rx in the past for nortriptyline to “break the cycle” and it’s a med that’s also used to treat depression. 😂 My MD said it’s useful for “breaking the cycle” of pain, and I’ve used it twice now for headache clusters. I’ll put up with them for now and perhaps they’ll go away as gradually as they appeared; if not, I’ll call in and ask for an Rx for them.
@michelinme I’ve never realized you use a wheelchair–always? Bummer that it broke and that has messed up your plans! At least you get to be home for now and then have the rest time of your silent retreat, with a trip to see DD thrown in. You had lots of commotion when you first got home; I was worn out just reading about it!
@lona72 My condolences on the loss of your friend…so very hard. ❤️
@penz I looked up the winery/wine you mentioned and found it on Vivino (an app–do you know and use it?) for $136.17. OUCH!!!! Yeah, it’s way beyond my pocketbook as well. So glad you got to do the wine dinner!
@funshipfreddie So interesting that you never look forward to a FD. I always feel just a bit of deprivation as I think about the day ahead when it’s a WF, but I always look forward to it the day before, and when I start to get carried away on the morning of one, I remind myself how relatively easy it will be, and how good I’ll feel the following morning, and all those feelings of self-pity evaporate. Do you not feel loads better the following morning? I mean physically, not emotionally?
@brightonbelle Yeah, being alone for an entire weekend would be odd, wouldn’t it? When my eldest sister lost her husband four years ago (she was 78), she said it would be the first time in her LIFE that she had lived alone because she went straight from home to college and then straight to marriage. She’s found in these four years that she adores living alone, so perhaps you’ll enjoy this little weekend?
@excelsior12309 I’ve been ignoring most newscasts and don’t read anything and have been astonished how easy this particular election is. Nonetheless, like you, I’ll be so very glad when it’s all over and we know the outcomes. And I love the Napolean approach of putting things in mental drawers; I’ll try it next time I’m struggling to sleep!
@northgeorgia Well done on another FD, of whatever variety! Is your crud finally completely gone, or is some still lingering?
We’re taking DS33 out to lunch tomorrow and then shopping for his birthday present, as we weren’t able to do so two weeks ago. He’s chosen a lovely French restaurant in the Omaha Old Market area (it’s BEAUTIFUL on the website: https://www.lebouillonomaha.com/). I’ve been carefully reading the menu and still haven’t decided what I’ll order, so am working to make myself be VERY mindful today to compensate: leftover roasted carrots for lunch, then a simple preparation of salmon, a caramelized carrot risotto, and a garden salad for supper. Lovely, but not overboard.
But now? I’m going to enjoy my coffee and knit some more on the neck band of DH’s Fair Isle.
Have a lovely one, everyone!
Day 25 UK FD800
Throwing in a Friday FD800 to give my week a good end. This morning’s weekly weigh day showed I’m somehow down 0.5lb and around 0.3″ from my fat suit. I’ll take it – and see what i can do to enhance it, ahead of next week free from FDs.
I slept until 11am and didn’t get dressed until midday – that’s the beauty of a day off! I had a couple of friends round to help with various things, including setting up of my donor wheelchair – all now sorted to get out and about, so I’m good to go to church on Sunday and away on Monday. I peeked at and cleared a few emails to reduce the mountain I come back to, but feel really good about letting go of it all for the next 10 days 🙂
Tomorrow is about gently packing and enjoying the day, perhaps think about making some of my homegrown berries into fruit vinegars or chutneys for Christmas presents. I’ll be staying with DD this year – my first without my mother, and my first not hosting – and we’ll be doing some gentle visiting with her wider family and partner’s parents, if she’s well enough. We never normally think about Christmas until mid-November so this feels really organised!
@stitchincarol I’ve used a chair since 2002, previously fulltime but now a bit of walking around indoors with a crutch. I don’t generally talk about it because it’s my normal. It’s only since getting e-wheels via a generous fundraiser that I’ve been able to get out and about independently, but when it’s broken I go right back to feeling and being stuck. Hence I’m delighted to have been able to get mobile again, thanks to a lot of juggling/planning and support from lovely people. I guess I always talk about what I do rather than what I don’t do, which may be why I seem so busy!
@northgeorgia – well done on yesterday’s FD -and good luck with swerving your Mum’s cookies!!
@excelsior12309 I can’t believe there are only 6 days left of Outstanding October! Thank you for your gracious hosting. Joining you on today’s FD pocket list 🙂
@brightonbelle i hope your solo weekend is fun / restful /relaxing/indulgent (delete as applicable)
@funshipfreddie yes I’m looking forward to seeing DD again next week – tho the retreat is from Mon-Sunday, so I’ll miss the end of this month and join November on the 3rd or 4th. Great idea to being jotting down notes ahead of your appointment – I hope that goes really well
@penz I love the idea of you training people to be good with their dogs, rather than training the dogs! What a great way to spend your time 🙂
@iona72 sorry for your loss. I’m glad the funeral went well as a celebration of their life, and a chance to rethink what’s important for you right now
I’m thinking of absent friends today – @bert1802 @at @daffodil2010 – and hope they are doing well
Pocket List Day 25
@excelsior12309 FD800
@michelinme FD800
Day 25 – NE England NFD
Today has gone to pot! I started well skipping breakfast and a light lunch but it went downhill from there. Snacking mid afternoon, which I haven’t done in months, bread with my meal, ice cream, cookie with coffee, Eek I cannot let this happen again. The only bonus, I resisted the alcohol.
Will step on the scale tomorrow to see the damage.
Back on track from here….
Day 26 NZ NFD 69kg 🏃♀️
It’s a long weekend here – Labour Day. The weather feels like we’re waiting for something to happen – the sky is grey and very low, 45km wind and thunderstorms soon… More to come on Sunday/Monday. That’s holidays for you!! Not that I’m away but I am going out to dinner tonight to play board games…
I had the Texan over last night to help me eat the last of my wild venison steaks. Next time I’ll cut them up into sensible portions and freeze them. It’s the first time I have cooked for anyone since I did my hand in and it was a v simple meal… Haven’t done any baking and did the vacuuming for the first time in 5 weeks… These are big milestones, not…😅
@funshipfreddie I hope your epiphany proves positive for you in the long run and helps resolve things for you… Getting to know thyself is a funny old business…
@flourbaby I thought that wink at the end of your list of lemon desserts meant you loved them but avoid them… I think I am completely wrong… Hope you’re able to sleep and relax this weekend. What time do you go to bed before your 4am catcall…
@excelsior12309 I wish everyone could live with differences of opinion like you do… We, the world, are waiting with bated breath for the election outcome. It has so many consequences here for our primary produce industries, esp meat and wine.
@stitchincarol Well done for plowing on through the cluster headaches. Not easy but at least its not related to fasting… I like @excelsior12309‘s Napoleonic troubled sleep solution. We, as a young country, count🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
I read the restaurant’s delicious menu and found myself licking my lips and selecting what I’m going to have!!!
@michelinme You’re amazing with what you accomplish!! Enjoy your Retreat. It sounds like great timing for you.
@iona72 Sorry to hear about your friend’s funeral. Never an easy time and it does make one think about one’s own life…
You are doing so well – you’ll rebalance and get to your personal goal!! I too have never been much good at journaling and counting calories. That’s why I love 5:2 because I don’t have to!! If you eat too much one day you can throw in an extra FD the next day!!
@penz Agility training sounds great fun. My friends had a Scottie whose mother was a national American agility champion. She was so bouncy!! Our dog club has all the gear for agility which we get out from time to time. Mac wasn’t very interested in going through the tunnel until I went and laid a Hansel and Gretel trail of ham and cheese through it! Then there was a queue!!
@northgeorgia Well done!! Think what you could acheive if you repeated your last couple of weeks over and over!!
@brightonbelle Hope the yoga session went well along with your solo time.
This also reminds me of our good friend @at who has been very quiet of late…
@jaifaim I’m looking forward to hearing titbits from your trip over the next few weeks!! Interesting that the portions are smaller. When I travelled around with a friend in the 80s we only ever ordered one meal and split it. We weren’t exactly in the high value tourist market!!
All the best for the weekend everyone!!
Day 26, NFD, Aus
Checking in.
I also drooled at the menu @stitchincarol – do let us know what you ended up having!
Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
Today is Algoa FM’s (local radio station) Big Walk for Cancer, an annual event for the last 26 years. I can hear the racket from here, as it kicks off from Pollock Beach, just a few hundred metres from where I live. It should be all done in a few hours. So I’m off to Mike’s Kitchen for lunch again – at the other end of town – to avoid the mayhem.
@iona72 – oops?! We’ve all been there. At least you swerved the booze 😅
@merryapple – you’re so right, self-knowledge is a funny business; & accepting what we learn isn’t always so straightforward.
@stitchincarol – I also checked out the menu. What did you have? I can’t help converting the prices to rands though?! 😲
@michelinme – a lie-in til 11 am?! Sounds like just what I need. Happy packing & pottering 🤗
Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈
Day 26 UK CD
A good FD800 yesterday, feeling less puffy and carbtastic stomach is a bit smaller but scales are the same. That’s prob it for FDs this month as I’m away from Monday.
Today’s food is about to be a very late brunch of eggs, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach. If I need supper in a few hours it will be stir-fried tofu with pak choi and broccoli. That still leaves cottage cheese, green salad, clementines and cabbage to be consumed before going away. Thank goodness the apple mountain will keep, even if I don’t have time/energy to make chutney this weekend!
My goal for Outstanding October was to consolidate September’s speedy start by losing a few more pounds to get BMI under 30, moving from the ‘obese’ category to the ‘overweight’. Today it’s 30.1 which may have to be close enough! In the great scheme of things I think that restarting 5:2, making sustained progress despite exhausting schedule, DD’s illness and several crises, and breaking the cycle of emotional eating/ resetting my relationship with food are all good foundations for future success!
Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 157.0
That weight may not be correct. An hour after the scale said that, I got on for the joy of seeing it again–and it was 157.8. Grr. So I tried again. 157.6. Eventually it landed on 157.4, but a la @funshipfreddie, I’ve decided to claim the lowest number as my actual Saturday morning weigh-in, LOL. I have DUMB scales!
However, if I’m brutally honest, I not only snacked quite a bit before supper last night (while I was cooking, my biggest challenge to overcome) but then found two little bottles–individual servings–of “Mexican Mudslide” in my fridge and drank them BOTH as a dessert. This is after wine with dinner. Thus, I’m not feeling as if I deserve a low weight at all, LOL! I did, however, swerve the wine until I served dinner, and did that by making two of my mocktails, this time with pineapple-ginger juice. I finally figured out how to describe the ginger beer involved: it smells like a Christmas tree! Total calories for two is around 200 calories, or even less, so I am delighted with this alternative to sipping on wine.
@michelinme Well now I understand why you have so many friends helping with things, the gardening things in particular, perhaps, because those would be terribly difficult (impossible?) to do from a wheelchair! I’ve always just thought they helped so you didn’t have to expend so much energy, LOL! And well done for starting the planning already for Christmas; I too have begun thinking through Thanksgiving, my 12/10 birthday, and Christmas Eve/Day and the days after…my absolute favorite time of year, centered as it is around family and feeding them. Oh, and excellent job that you’ve reached a BMI of 30!!
@lona72 Oh bummer on that day gone to pot. We’ve all had those days; you’ll do better today!
@merryapple The only problem with the restaurant’s menu? I’m not all that interested in a truly lovely meal this early in the day. 🤷🏻♀️ It would be a different thing if we were going there for dinner, but neither DS33’s schedule nor DH’s allow that, so we’re going there for lunch. I’ve never had escargot, so if my men will share them with me, that’s one thing for certain I want to order.
@penz I will, indeed, let you all know!
@funshipfreddie Yeah, that’s another thing about this meal at lunchtime: those are not lunchtime prices, LOL! We’ll be eating leftovers for several days, so that will help soothe our sense of shock at the prices!
@excelsior12309 Oh, fun! Have a grand time!
I continue to be astonished by how international our American election is, that so many of you are equally interested in having it over and knowing the results. Amazing how “small” the world has become, you know?
And…perhaps you remember that every year I justify having enchiladas for Halloween and baking cutout cookies shaped like pumpkins and frosted with orange frosting with a green stem. I’ve done the enchiladas every single year since our first Halloween in 1989, and the cookies started in 1991 or 1992. When the kids left home for college, I’d mail them cookies. These are both a huge deal in our family. Well. Halloween is a Thursday this year. I’m not much happy at the idea of giving up a WFD, and I won’t even be home until 5:45 at the very earliest to make them. Plus, DD makes her own cookies, and DS33 is gluten-intolerant and neither son is likely to be around anyway…so I’m almost committed to the idea I’ll skip both of those traditions this year. I’m speechless that I’m giving them up, lol, but think it’s the right decision for 2024.
Okay, time to change my hair from bed-head to acceptable-in-public! We’ll leave at 10:30 our time (4:30 London time) and I’ll let you all know tomorrow about the French restaurant!
Have a grand one, everyone!
Day 27 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
Early call for me as it is a bank holiday and I’m off on a big spin and leaving early… our clocks changed overnight so an extra hour in bed. 🚴
Finding it very difficult to stay away from sugar at the moment and it’s making me feel creaky and lazy so only one thing for it 😄🚴
Will be back on later or tomorrow 😄
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD
I was NOT very controlled yesterday, although I did stick to my eating window, which is never a problem for me. Lunch was a disaster; we couldn’t even get down the road to Mike’s Kitchen because of the traffic/road closures. Everywhere was packed with people wearing pink because of the charity walk. So we went to the one place that didn’t look busy. Won’t be going there again! 🤯
My last FD for Outstanding October. I’ve got a busy couple of days ahead (busy for me anyway) & I’m going away for a few days on Wednesday, but I’ll definitely get the ball rolling for the November Challenge before then.
@michelinme – it sounds to me like you had a very successful Outstanding October! Enjoy the retreat, & see 👀 you in No-Nonsense November 🎯
@jaifaim – enjoy the spin & the holiday tomorrow. UK & Ireland? 🚴
@excelsior12309 – I think you’ll appreciate the humour in this brief video. First posted 4 years ago, & it’s still funny; sort of. For me anyway, as a Trekkie 😏
Happy S🌞nday!
Pocket List – Day 27 🥑
Day 27 UK CD
I’m sure I logged in yesterday, must have forgot to hit the submit button?
No bank holiday for us @funshipfreddie but I’m not complaining the suns shining and an extra hour in bed thanks to the clocks going back
Ooh la la @stitchincarol escargot- not for me , frogs legs that’s another matter
See you on the list tomorrow for my penultimate fast of October
Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Next FDs will probably be Wednesday and Thursday. My mom invited me to a church lunch today; tomorrow I’m on the road and is likely to be a NFD, and Tuesday is a business luncheon. Still, none of these should be plate overloading, gut busting meals. The bigger danger for me is to take a little bite, then the hunger dragon appears an hour later, wanting constant snack add-ons throughout the day. Low calorie homemade soups might help me through the winters ahead. Recipes? My mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup was very tasty — yeah, I know it has some noodles, but it’s not like eating a huge double portion of spaghetti. I like to make a nice rich chili, too.
USA. Day 27. FD
Good morning, everyone (or whatever time of the day it is where you are!👍🏻).
I los 1 lb. this morning but I am still up 1 lb. from where I started but at least I am heading in the right direction direction. I just have had too many dining out opportunities lately! Well, it’s a new week! Have at it, everyone!😊
2nd Post – Day 27
Pocket List – Day 27 🥑
Day 28 NZ FD 70kg 🏃🏼♀️Takapuna Beach
Oh dear!! Too many cheese scones, almonds and dinners with friends over the weekend. Michēle made a delicious double dessert of lemon meringue pie and lemon tart.
How can you not like citrus desserts @flourbaby!!
Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll drop back a wee bit…
@ccco Snap!! Same problem 😁
@excelsior12309 Billy has work in the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, Virginia. Have you been there? There is an documentary about Walter J Chrysler’s extraordinary life narrated by the ex director on YouTube.
@stitchincarol Garlic and butter is a great start but then the snails to me are more about their texture than flavour which is rather rubbery… You could catch🤣garden snails (same breed here) and feed them white bread for two weeks then cook them… 🤣🤣 That’s all you need to do!!!
@jaifaim Enjoy your 🚴♀️ride. It’ll get you going for sure!!!
I went for my first ride y’day in 5 weeks probably AMA (against medical advice) but it did stretch the tendons out in my arm!! I’ve been riding since I was 5, have a motorbike license so am not fazed by biking. It’s the car drivers that are my potential problem😬But a holiday weekend means less of them so off I went!!
@northgeorgia Good thinking Batman!!!!
@brightonbelle Don’t you hate those disappeared posts… so frustrating!!
Pocket List
Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5 kg
Yay! Mission accomplished. I spent over 3 hours playing cards with neighbours too, surrounded by food 🥴️ Someone actually waved a plate of biscuits in my face at one point. I think she was a bit taken aback when I snapped, ‘get behind me, Satan!’. 😅 Well, I did tell them.. 🤷♂️
@merryapple – you were doing so well?! Not too late though. I’m sure after today’s FD you won’t be far off your October goal. I’m not on the pocket list today though. So far it’s just you, as @michelinme & missybear are both away. Snails?! No way, not in a million years. Even if a gun was held to my head, there’s no way I could put one of those things in my mouth 😱
@excelsior12309 – I’m glad you liked the video. Some of the comments were quite funny too e.g. “Now trump will brag that he was on an episode of star trek (some say the best episode ever )” & “I saw Klingons eating Tribbles. You can trust me on this one”. 😂
We’ve got a Body Corporate meeting this morning; hoping it’ll be brief & painless, but they seldom are. At least I can look forward to lunch when it’s over
Have a good week everyone! 🎯💪
Pocket List – Day 28 🥝
Day 28, London, UK, FD800
It’s definitely the dairy that’s stalling my progress, November will be a month of limited dairy! I’m stuck at -3lbs with 4 days to shed another 7 to make my (optimistic) October goal!🤭
@michelinme, “I slept until 11am and didn’t get dressed until midday” ……………………spoken like a true Non-Cat lady!!! I’m soooo jealous!!
@merryapple, Michēle certainly went all-out citrus for dessert!!!🤢 Yep, this emoji might be better, winky face was at the word ‘disgusting’ which I know only applies to me as 99.9% of people love that awful citrus sweet combo!!
@stitchincarol, what a menu!!🤤🤤🤤 Your kids will start their own traditions or continue yours and you’ll form a big part of that …………………without having to do ALL the work!!🙏🏼
@northgeorgia, this is my favourite low carb, low calorie cauliflower soup, it’s so simple ………….3 ingredients, but really tasty!! Courtesy of James Martin (I usually skip the cream & olive oil, it really doesn’t need it!)
1 Small cauliflower chopped into small florets
1 tbsp curry powder
1L Full fat milk
To serve 2 tbs double cream (optional)
1 tbsp olive oil (optional)
1. Pop the cauliflower florets, curry powder and milk into a pan and bring to the boil. Then simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Blitz in a food processor until smooth pour into a clean pan and warm through
3. To serve, spoon the soup into bowls, drizzle in cream and a little olive oil
@penz, I’m having one of those hungry mornings, 5hrs until I break my fast with cheesy cauliflower jalapeno soup!!! I ….. Cannot ……. Wait!!🤤🤤🤤
“Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind that you have to convince”. ~ Vince Lombardi
Pocket List – Day 28 🥝
@flourbaby FD800
Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Thanks, @flourbaby for that recipe! Sounds delicious 🙂
ZBC this morning. Not planning on a FD until Wednesday, but we’ll see what happens today.
Day 28 UK FD
3lbs is no mean feat @flourbaby but I’m with you in wanting to finish the month strong 💪
Fasting today , planning the rest of the weeks food as want to see a month end result
👹great response @funshipfreddie
Pocket List – Day 28 🥝
@flourbaby FD800
USA. Day 28. FD
Today I will do better. Yesterday wasn’t too bad but today I will make it better.
Pocket List – Day 28 🥝
@flourbaby FD800
Me, too, Brightonbelle! I have only lost 1 lb. this month because I put a few back on before I began to lose. Ever since my brain surgery, I haven’t been able to do much in the way of exercise, plus I have been in physical therapy for frozen shoulder. It really hasn’t been my year! ☹️
FlourBaby, I love your recipe! Too bad I can’t eat curry anymore. Since I decided to get older, there are too many things I can’t enjoy anymore!
@penz, I am cheering for you. You can do that 500 or less calories, even if you have a growling stomach. When I want to do that, I stay very busy and then I don’t even realize I am hungry.
@merryapple, I wouldn’t have been able to stay away from all those goodies, either. They sound incredible. Lately, I have been having a similar problem, too. I am going out to eat too much! Also, I buy snacks for grandchildren an then I eat them! 🙃
It’s freezing here! 🥶. I am really very much a summer person! For all those experiencing Halloween, have fun! And have a great day today!
USA. Day 28. FD
Today I will do better. Yesterday wasn’t too bad but today I will make it better.
Pocket List – Day 28 🥝
@flourbaby FD800
Wow! I wrote a nice email to everyone but I got the strangest message back. It said “slow down; you move too fast”! Now I don’t remember what I wrote! LOL
Me, too, Brightonbelle! I have only lost 1 lb. this month because I put a few back on before I began to lose. Ever since my brain surgery, I haven’t been able to do much in the way of exercise, plus I have been in physical therapy for frozen shoulder. It really hasn’t been my year! ☹️
FlourBaby, I love your recipe! Too bad I can’t eat curry anymore. Since I decided to get older, there are too many things I can’t enjoy anymore!
@penz, I am cheering for you. You can do that 500 or less calories, even if you have a growling stomach. When I want to do that, I stay very busy and then I don’t even realize I am hungry.
@merryapple, I wouldn’t have been able to stay away from all those goodies, either. They sound incredible. Lately, I have been having a similar problem, too. I am going out to eat too much! Also, I buy snacks for grandchildren an then I eat them! 🙃
It’s freezing here! 🥶. I am really very much a summer person! For all those experiencing Halloween, have fun! And have a great day today!
Day 28 UK NFD
Day 27 NFD
On Saturday night I blipped with a forgotten box of ice creams in the freezer. But the sugar/gluten combo had me regretting it very quickly. Yesterday was a much healthier omad late lunch/early supper of green pea pasta with broccoli and fresh mozzarella balls followed by vegan yogurt
I’m on a train to retreat in Worcestershire, having successfully crossed London on borrowed wheelchair/power add on combo. Resisted the vegan wrap that caused so much joint pain last week, in favour of hardboiled eggs with fresh spinach followed by dried mango and an apple.
Miraculously this morning my weight was down by the required 1lb to just hit my October BMI goal of 29.9. I’ll take that! Now to use that milestone as fuel for healthy choices this week.
Sorry not to be with you at end of the challenge/start of the new one but I am really looking forward to a week’s silent retreat and space to rest, recover and reflect. Wishing you all a happy healthy end to Outstanding October and a strong start to No No November!
Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD
Well, yesterday was lovely, in that I did exactly what I wanted, no more, no less–well, after worship service, of course, LOL–but it was ugly in that what I wanted to do was watch an entire day of Netflix, while working on DH’s sweater and eating Halloween candy. Amazingly, the scale didn’t change at all, but today must be disciplined to balance out yesterday’s massive excess. 🤷🏻♀️
The fair isle’s neck ribbing is done completely, and I dealt with many of the loose beginning and ending yarns inside, but there is still half of them to go–probably two hours worth if not three–and then the other sleeve. And I’m sick to death of it. I’m not doing anything but knitting, and that’s just not who I am–I am, after all STITCHIN Carol, not KNITTIN Carol. So, both in the interest of boredom and in keeping me moving, I’m going to ignore the sweater today and work on tidying my sewing room. I have four baby quilts that need sewing, and zero room in there to work, so enough is enough: it’s time, and DH is patient.
Oh, and report on the French restaurant: they were serving brunch, so DH and I both had two eggs/bacon/potatoes/toast/homemade raspberry jam, while DS33 had the lamb sausage; we were all pleased, and it wasn’t so much food that I was stuffed–and it was also not conducive to wine, so I swerved that at noon on a Saturday! What was glorious, however, was the escargot appetizer that we shared that we all deemed blissful. They were served on a bed of pureed pumpkin mixed with lots of butter and comte cheese, with some greens dressed in a basil oil, and some seed cakes propped up on everything. Oh. My. Word. SOOOOO good! (So was the escargot, but they were peripheral to the pumpkin puree, LOL!) The ambiance is gorgeous there, and DH and I are likely to go back again to this restaurant we didn’t even know existed.
@brightonbelle Frog legs is another thing I’ve never managed to try; someday I will!
@excelsior12309 Yup, and I adore oysters, so there’s likely good hope for frog legs for me, even though your judgment is clearly not quite as excellent as I’d assumed! 🤣😂😂🤣🥰
@northgeorgia What “little bite” are you taking that causes the hunger dragon to roar an hour later? Protein and raw veggies don’t generally do that…
@ccco You know, in my world, in my clothes, being up a pound is the equivalent of my weight not changing, so I’m thinking you’re doing terrifically. Do your clothes fit the same??
@merryapple You know, the escargo/snails were simply oddly shaped chunks of…nothing. There was chew to them, but they weren’t rubbery. There wasn’t much flavor. It truly was about the texture they added to the pumpkin puree. But I will not be going snail hunting, either in your back yard on in my own, LOL (And yes: lemon meringue pie and lemon tart? YUM!!! And the tarter, the better!
Okay, I’m sitting with my laptop while DH is all over the place accomplishing things, so it’s time for me to get off the sofa and tackle my sewing room. Have a grand one, everyone, whether that’s day or sleep!
Day 29 NZ CD and ZBC 69.8kg
Back in the 69s just!! Time to🤐How easy it is to stray…
@funshipfreddie Your back up Satan remark is hilarious, however it was me myself and I acting as😈 this weekend!! And I do hate to not make my monthly target 🎯 of 1kg down… two days to go…
@stitchincarol I take it you won’t be going to the big snail festival in Catalonia, Spain!!
NZ has the biggest and best oysters from the deep, cold Southern Ocean… I’m drooling thinking about them… There is a seafood festival I keep trying to attend but will make it someday…. Lobster, blue cod, oysters straight out of the ocean…
I’d take knitting over tidying any day😅
@michelinme Big congrats on your BMI!!! You going to Worcestershire reminds me of my cauliflower soup recipe…
@flourbaby I add mustard and Worcestershire Sauce rather than curry powder!! And semi steam a whole cauliflower then add the flavoured water to the milk, cheese for the roux.
@ccco Remember one pound of butter is the same volume as a 1lb loss!! It all adds up😊
@excelsior12309 I spent the evening talking to my Dunedin friend last night about a dish we had in a restaurant there named Fromaggio al Forno… We were trying to work out which stretchy Italian cheese they used – cut into cubes and melted in the oven to form a brown crust in a wee cast iron pan, topped with truffle oil and served with slices of crusty sourdough… to die for!!!
@penz I’m pleased that Someone is taking FDs seriously 🤣
Well done you!!
Day 29, NFD, Aus
The thing I enjoy most about agility, @excelsior, is if that if things go wrong, it’s never the dog’s fault. Dog’s know how to jump things and go through tunnels etc so if they do something in the wrong order, it’s the handler’s fault for not providing clear signals. My old dog would literally stop and bark at me if he did not understand what ever I was poorly trying to convey to him. It was nice to get such clear communication from him that I was doing a bad job!
I keep forgetting to look up that vino app, @stichincarol. Must do that soon!
I got new glasses today. My (distance) prescription is increasing, and it now means I am struggling to see this computer screen clearly. I need to work out my new focal length for up close work. I am too stubborn to get bi-focals or reading glasses!
I’ve made cauliflower soup with walnuts, but never tried it with curry powder. And all this talk of citrus desserts makes me want to do my grandmother’s lemon delicious pudding Right Now!!
Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
The AGM/special meeting went on & on & on; three hours + 10 minutes?! 🤯 I finally sat down to eat at 2 pm, but didn’t really enjoy lunch because I wasn’t in the best mood. Neither was the cat by the time I got home 😅
Busy day today. Mosaic class as usual, but I’ll have to leave early. I’ve got a two hour stint at the dentist, but they said I must eat first. Then I need to take Boo Boo to the cat prison 😈. Then collect laundry, come home & then pack, phew? And it’s forecast to rain all day
@stitchincarol – oysters, snails, & now frogs legs?! I know it’s almost Halloween, but I’m having nightmares already! 🦇🕸🎃 🐸
@at – I see you’ve updated the spreadsheet. Not a lot of FDs for you this month? 😜 Never mind, a new month is around the corner. Would you please set up a spreadsheet for No-Nonsense November? 🙏 I’ll post the new Challenge later today.
Have a good day everyone
Day 29 – NE England – IF 17:7
Lovely to hear from you all, I’ve been forgetting to post this last week but I will try and engage more.
Still getting plenty of steps in. It was such a lovely day yesterday we walked about 4.5 miles in the morning.
We are thinking of moving house, downsizing a little now there are just the 2 of us,so we have been doing the jobs that need to get finished to put the house up for sale. It’s good to be active all day but I would like an afternoon of knitting or reading!!
Weight loss has stalled a bit, I need to lose another pound before the end of October! 😱
Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 238 lbs. @stitchincarol The little bites I’m talking about are the random things like you might expect at church events, these business events, and so forth. Very rarely does someone bring crudites and pure protein bites to those things. I’m happy to report that I’ve gotten to the point where fast food disgusts me. We did stop to get a meal on the go yesterday, and let me say I just wish I hadn’t. More than anything, the beverages now have the effect of sickening me.
Day 29 UK CD
Just waiting for the chimney sweep- that sounds like somethings out of a Dickens novel , maybe they should rebrand?
Wow busy day @funshipfreddie and a 2 hour appointment!!! Thank goodness you have a treat booked
Your putting me to shame @iona72 we’ve been “thinking “ about downsizing for years but the thought of the little jobs and even worse clearing out somehow derails us …..good luck though
@funshipfreddie, – happy to set up the spreadsheet for November
USA. Day 29
Oh, @stitchincarol, all my clothes are a little tight but I weighed myself this morning and I didn’t add anymore weight. Today, I will fast again!
@Excelsior112309, I hope you are right. I’m cold! 🥶
I will be keeping myself busy and away from food in November when I update my bathroom and powder room. I’ve picked out everything and I can’t wait to see it
when it’s done! @iona72, I am living in my downsized house and plan this to be my last home. I love it. Good luck finding yours!
I hope everyone is having an enjoyable day! ☺️
Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD
My body has decided to violently rid itself of all contents. No idea why, and I though I was on the mend when I was finally able to go back to sleep around 4am, but it’s still expressing opinions…and what I ate, or what caused this, is still a mystery, especially as DH ate the same as I and he’s fine. 🤷🏻♀️ So, GAH! I’ve had to cancel my first lesson, and the next two lessons are already cancelled because the girls are sick; I’m holding out hope I’ll be okay in time for the lessons then. So dumb, and irritating, and NOT the way I want to spend my Tuesday.
@merryapple A snail festival in Spain? No, not likely…but a NZ seafood festival??? Now THAT sounds delightful!
@penz this one? https://www.vivino.com/app/ 🥰 I laughed that you’re too stubborn to get bifocals or reading glasses…It’s tough when we get old enough that basic skills like SEEING become a challenge, huh? 🤣 I have bifocals for when I’m at concerts or movies or whatever, bifocals that are sunglasses for when I’m outside–the only glasses that are always within reach, organ glasses that are exactly right for the distance I am when I play organ/piano, and a whole wardrobe of readers. It certainly does get tedious to have such a variety, LOL!
@funshipfreddie You sound stressed, an unusual sound to your chatter. I hope getting off on your trip goes smoothly, and then you’re able to relax and have a lovely time!
@lona72 Downsizing, eh? I’m so tired of a house that’s too small for large gatherings, that I’m wanting to upsize when DH retires next May, LOL. The whole question of what size a house, how large a lot, how many rooms, and where exactly in Lincoln it’s located is so daunting. Will your moving process be as challenging?
@excelsior12309 Your comment about a warm Halloween made me check for here, and it’s supposed to be entirely sunny, but only up to 56–down 20 degrees from today’s forecast. Oh well, it’s been far worse many years, so kids should still be able to have a good time.
@northgeorgia Thanks for the explanation of what you meant by small bites; I thought you were talking about when you’re at home, or at your mom’s. Good for you for weaning yourself off fast food. I’ve been–slowly–learning to question how I’ll feel if I eat something that’s tempting me, and when I think of the belly discomfort, it’s no longer so appealing; sounds like you’re pulling off that same skill!
@brightonbelle If DH and I were living in a home of our home, rather than a parsonage, I would also struggle to do what it takes to move; that’s the one advantage to being in a parsonage is that we simply have no choice! 🤣🤣🤣 I imagine when it really begins to matter to you, you’ll find the motivation to do what it takes.
@ccco Tight clothes are very motivating, aren’t they?
Well, I’m going to get up and move around and see what I can accomplish and determine if I’m safe to leave the house. A WFD feels like it has built-in success, LOL!
Pocket List day 29 🎃
@stitchincarol WFD
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