Welcome to the new site

This topic contains 20 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  rstopar 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi there. We are busy upgrading the site and will soon be adding tracking, which we hope you will find useful. Sorry it has taken so long!

    I have been really enjoying reading the posts – such a lot of encouraging stories and a wonderfully positive, supportive atmosphere. None of that will change.

    The Fast Diet goes from strength to strength. I recently took part in an international scientific gathering to discuss all the latest research on intermittent fasting, as well as a lot of discussion about what direction future research should take. A Swedish professor told me she has just started a trial of 5:2 with diabetic patients and we await the results of that study with great interest. When I get the notes back I will put in more details of what was discussed.

    It was almost exactly two years ago that I went to my doctor and was told that my fasting blood glucose was in the diabetic range, which spurred my initial interest in intermittent fasting and led me to make the BBC documentary that kicked this whole thing off. Two years on, I’ve kept the fat off and my blood sugars are in the normal range.

    Thanks for taking part and for all the help that so many of you give to others. We look forward to welcoming you to the new site.

    Thank you so much for continuing to share on-going research into this fascinating area. I am just finishing my 4th week on a 5:2 pattern. So will weigh myself tomorrow. But after the first 3 weeks my BMI had gone down from 22.8 to 21.5, and I had lost 1.5″ from my waist, 1″ from each thigh, and 3/4″ from my chest. My plan is to get my fasting lipids re-done after a couple of months on the Fast Diet. 3 years ago they were measured and my total cholesterol was 5.7, triglycerides 0.6, LDL 3.6, HDL 1.8… I am very optimistic about my future health – there is a strong incidence of vascular disease in my family (strokes, bypasses, heart attacks) and I want to do everything I can to avoid taking the usual concoction of medicines. I enjoy my fasting days very much and exploring the hunger, and I love the freedom to eat without anxiety and guilt on the days in between for the first time in my life after years of yo-yo dieting. I have only 6lbs more to lose before I switch to 6:1 for life. Thank you so much! Sarah

    love the new look, thank you!! 🙂

    The new website looks great, nice job!

    Thanks new woman and Angie – It’s a busy day at Fast Diet Towers!

    Great new look, thank you 🙂

    Hi Doc Mosley! Great job, keep up the excellent work!

    You and Mimi are a inspirational duo who are changing the way we all view our health and our power to change things for the better.

    I really like the new fresh look, but where is the handy BMI/BMR/TDEE calculator? I loved that thing, and so easy to use! Could you please put it back?

    I can’t wait to hear about any longitudinal studies that are changing the standard medical treatment of chronic conditions, using intermittent fasting as a way of helping the body heal and repair itself.

    I’m a case in point, I no longer snore, suffer IBS, fatigue or have any dermatistis. These things have gone, I’m looking at having my checkup and bloods any listed soon to see if my high blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure are back to normal, compared to this time last year.

    After 46 weeks I feel like a new woman, look younger and have so much more energy. And looking forward to making this a permanent way of eating.

    Thank you so so much! Can’t wait for what’s coming up next!

    The BMI/BMR/TDEE calculator is still at the top under the tab ‘How’

    Hope this helps

    Hi Michael

    Sorry to go against the tide but I don’t like the new all blue fonts on everything; it all seems to be blending in too much to me.

    Otherwise, Onwards and Downwards!

    (Oh and you could have a look at a post on THE LOACA thread by Applecrisp the other day; she had an excellent idea about the subject matter of the next ground breaking documentary you could do).

    To Michael and Mimi – Thank you for the new site, books and TV programmes. You have made such a difference to the lives of many. In addition to lost weight and health improvements our sense of wellbeing, confidence, self esteem and mojos are returning. You can’t put a price on that. I don’t always get it right and have lapses but unlike previous ways of eating I can just start again and am back on track from the first fast day. Am kinder to myself and accept that I’m human.This gives the Fast Diet real sustainability for me.

    Thanks also to all fast friends on here – for your support, experiences, encouragement and reminding me of what’s important and to trust my instincts.

    It would be really interesting to capture all of this experiential expertise from people who use this forum. A simple “Survey Monkey” perhaps? I for one would love to see the results. It would be really motivating I think.

    Thanks everyone and continued success on our journeys 🙂

    Michael I loved your show. Thank you for showing us a different and more gentle approach to fasting.

    Your book was great and I was sorry to finish it. So many new things I learned from it. I can’t stop talking about it and I recommend it to all my friend. It will be the standard Birthday present for this year. 🙂

    Two friends from work and I, have started the 5:2 diet in January. We all three have lost weight and are very excited about it.

    Mimi, I have a question for you . I love blueberries and I usually have them on fast days. Could you check again the list with calories from the book? The recipes at the end and the list give different values for blueberries. Maybe you were referring to the blackberries in the recipes?

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.


    Dear Doctor – I have been on IF exactly one year as of today. I have lost close to 20lbs and in the next few weeks I will be reaching my goal weight.

    Thanks to you and IF, me and my family will be fit for life.

    I found the documentary by accident last year on PBS. I had been gaining weight regularly (reached that age) and could not seem to stop. I exercise an hour to hour and a half a day including yoga and aerobic workouts. By following the 5:2 i was able to lose 14 pounds and felt much better. I plateaued at one point but did 4:3 one week and that jumpstarted my weight loss.
    In July I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I had radiation and oral chemo 5 days a week for 5 weeks. I kept doing the 5:2 and had the minimum amount of side effects and when I had my surgery in November, all of the tumor was gone. I had a remarkable recovery from surgery. I was told I could not fast because i had been given an ostomy so was disappointed to find that out. Also, I had lost a lot of weight and was having trouble eating regularly so did not need to lose anymore.
    I started chemo in December and had to stop one of the meds in January. I resumed my 5:2 and have been able to keep my weight in a healthy BMI range.
    I am passionate about the diet but only tell friends that are struggling and only after asking if they want to know what helped me.
    I have tried pretty much every diet out there and nothing helped for long. This has been really exciting for me and I couldn’t wait until I was able to get back to it. Who says that about a diet?

    What peaked my intrest in 5:2 was seeing images of plates of food that can be eaten on a fast day. How much can be on the plates of a whole fast day. The video was simply just interesting until I saw something I “knew” I could do. I’m down 27lbs from the same day last year. I plan to restart this diet every year on May 2nd. Best wishes everyone!

    I just wanted to say thank you Michael. I began 5:2 on August 1 of last year. By mid February of 2014 I had lost 30 pounds and I have been maintaining ever since. I was able to take a 2 week vacation with my husband during that time and had no trouble getting right back into 5:2.As a life long yo-yo dieter this is the best thing I have ever tried. I can see myself maintaining for the rest of my life. Hopefully that will be for quite some time as I have lowered my cholesterol, my blood sugar and my blood pressure. I am close to coming off all the medications that treat those conditions. My doctor and I are thrilled. Thanks again

    Hi Michael and Mimi. Thank you so much for all you have done. My wife and I have been sticking to the fast diet plans rigidly for a couple of months now. We both work hard and probably don’t get enough time for exercise, other than walking our dogs. I have lost around a stone, whilst my wife has lost 9 pounds. I have two questions.

    1 I am concerned that throughout, my fat levels have remained at around 27%. Although my weight is falling nicely, I expected this to fall with it. I am vegetarian, although my wife isn’t. I have noticed I am eating less cheese, etc. any ideas why the fat percentage isn’t dropping?

    2 My wife doesn’t feel she is losing weight very quickly. Does it take longer for women? I am just above normal range, where she is still further in to the obese category.

    Once again, thanks for all you do.


    Hi and welcome:

    Hard to believe you can lose 14 pounds and no fat. I would suspect your formula or fat measuring device.

    Women usually lose slower than men because their TDEE is lower. This will explain: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/.

    Good Luck!

    New site? Will that make the 5:2 work for me then or am I one of those ‘lucky few’ for whom nothing works. After 6 weeks even a pound would have been nice

    vtf, you probably need to adjust the amount you are eating on non fast days. I was eating 1500 calories a day during the week prior to maintenance. I eat what I want on weekends with an eye on mindfulness and Sunday has always been fast day for me. (56 year old woman, 5’4″)

    Hi there.

    I’ve already posted my successes under the title “It’s not a slimming diet” so I won’t repost here. Needless to say I’m exceeding grateful to you for bringing the fasting message to the UK and I’ve been a total convert since the day your programme aired. The weight loss had me run half marathons in under 2 hours for the first time in 13 years (since I was in my mid 40s)

    What I’ve been trying recently is wheat avoidance. The anti wheat brigade run a very convincing argument for giving it up, but the arguments aren’t very well balanced, as indeed are the contra “pro-wheat” ripostes.

    I think that this topic would be a brilliant one for you to check out for a future Horizon. Right up your street I’d have thought. Left field. Counter Intuitive. Anti Establishment.

    I’d love to hear your views.

    Once again. Many Thanks for my improved blood chemistry.


    Believe it or not, I have used this strategy of fasting for years not knowing at all about Fast Diet or 5:2. In fact, every time my body alarmed me when too heavy or my blood parameters got drastically worse, it was obvious to me that something had to be done. Somehow, it occurred to me by instinct: What if I reduce my everyday food intact to only a few days and not eating the other days at all or eating very limited. Sometimes I used this strategy for longer and sometimes for shorter period of time. And it worked. Always. Despite of people suggestions around me that fasting is dangerous. Of course, if you exaggerate. Besides, I had never had time to study the calories intact and “eat this and don’t eat that” philosophy.

    But now, I am very glad I found this quite a broad community and dr. Michael Mosley, which supported this simple theory in a rather scientific way. I ‘accidentally’ watched dr. Mosley’s documentary about the Fast diet not long ago and soon realized that this was something similar to what I did.

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