Welcome new Fasters!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Exciting to see all the new starts here 🙂

    Welcome to the last “diet” you will ever need.

    As of my last post I had lost 25 pounds of the 30 I needed off to bring me to my IBW…and I was desperately trying to fit back into those black leather trousers I hadn’t been able to wear for years. (…and Michael…very soon the before and after picture is coming…)

    So they zip now and breathing is becoming closer and closer. I’ve lost 5 pounds since January 1st…and am at my IBW. Which still seems a bit more than I want to carry…

    So here is the deal…I’m going to continue 5:2 until I am comfortably into a size 7/8…and setting a short term goal for July. Then switch to 6:1 to maintain.

    For everyone starting out-

    Don’t overthink things.

    Don’t catagorize foods into Good and Bad.

    Just do the 5:2.

    If you plateau try an alternating day fast for a while to jump start it again.

    We didn’t gain the weight all at once…but by increments…and that is the way to lose and keep it off.

    It REALLY REALLY works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (((((((((((much thinner hugs))))))))))))))))


    Great post Carla!

    well done on your fab progress, way to go girl!!


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