My Physical Trainer is concerned about doing weight training on a fast day. She is OK with cardio but not clear on weight machine training.
Any feedback?
This topic contains 14 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Westozzybloke 11 years, 6 months ago.
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Hi Jeff, i’m german natural bodybuilder (only for me, not for stage) and i can tell you that i make this morning on my fast day a very hard arm training and it’s going better than you be afraid of (hope you understand me).
My opinion is that weight training is one of the best way to go fit into high age.
ups – my problem is a belly and by start 5:2 3 weeks ago my bodyfat was ugly 27.5% and now – wow – 24,5% and i’m HAPPY thanks so lot to michael!
Many diet years without any result and now, on an so easy way ! GREAT
hi Frank
Thanks for your message. I am trying to find out more about this diet regarding fast day calorie intake for my situation and I am trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.
by the way, I was an English teacher for seven years and I would like to congratulate you. Your message wasn’t perfect but it was completely clear and I had no trouble understanding it.
viel glueck!
Hello, furryboy – Have you had a look at the site’s new Calorie Calculator? (Click on ‘how?’ in the top-right corner of the page and choose the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.)
There, you should get figures based on your personal statistics and activity levels and 25% of your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) should represent your recommended fast day intake.
Hi, I have a question in relation to exercising on fasting days and hope someone can help.
I workout out with a trainer on my fasting days (just the way my week goes to fit everything in) and do a pretty high intensity cardio/weights workout (HIIT) and burn about 400 calories in the session (so, twice a week) . I also do 2 sessions of yoga a week and try to fit in one or two sessions on my own. I have checked out my BMR and TDEE – my TDEE is 2695. Does this mean on my fasting days I should eat 25% of that amount of calories, ie 673 cal or should I eat the 500 recommended for women? Am I also right in thinking that I should then eat the number of cals for my BMR on the non-fasting days?
Hoping someone can clarify this for me. Cheers Kaz
Hello, Kaz (kaz161) – One’s BMR figure is the number of calories required in a day if one sits still for 24 hours and just breathes, pumps blood around the veins, etc., but doesn’t otherwise move. The TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is one’s BMR figure scaled-up to include the extra calories required to do whatever level of physical activity one usually maintains.
When using the 5:2 approach, the TDEE figure is one’s recommended daily intake for non-fast days and, then, 25% of that TDEE figure is the suggested maximum daily intake for each fast day.
So, if you are sure your TDEE figure is correct, then roughly 2700cals and 675cals are your personal fast day and non-fast day intake figures, thus ensuring you maintain a high metabolism but should gradually lose weight over several weeks and months.
I think flingy, posting on 24 June, was referring to this question, often asked: ‘If I exercise on a fast day and burn 400cals doing it, can I eat more than my suggested maximum for a fast day?’ – i.e. 675cals in your case. The answer is ‘No – If you do want to lose weight, it’s best to keep to just the original 25% of TDEE figure as calculated.’
The 2000cals and 500cals figures, as usually quoted for women, accurately apply only to Ms Average. From your TDEE calculation, it seems that you are not average and higher limits are appropriate for you. Of course, on fast days, you can eat less than the suggested maximum, if you choose and it feels manageable, but it’s advisable to stay close to the recommended intake for non-fast days, in order not to provoke the body into slowing down its fuel-conversion and fuel burning systems, which would make weight-loss less likely.
You may want to do your own research into fasting when combined with high-level exercise – there are a lot of interesting specialist sites ‘out there’ – but, in any event, I wish you well in your goals.
Hi all,
I’ve been doing 5:2 for thirteen weeks now and exercise five days a week. I do an intensive cardio routine daily (burn over 550 calories) and this past month have added strength training. Two of my exercise days (Monday & Thursday) are also my fasting days and I’ve never had the slightest problem. Just drink plenty of water and you’ll be fine.
I exercise first thing in the morning.
If you are so inclined, I blog about my fasting routine, meals, exercise, etc. Just click my profile name ‘bobbyd98682’ and copy & paste the link from my profile. If you’d like, leave me a comment so I know that you’ve come from this site.
Thank you,
I’ve been on the 5:2 since March and do strength training at least two and generally three days a week, in addition to cardio. I’ve never had much of a problem combining fasting and workouts, maybe one or two days slightly light-headed in the gym. When that happens, I generally monitor what kind of weights or machines I’ll be using. The advantage of the 5:2 combined with weight work is that you can lose virtually all your surface fat, leaving a lean physique no matter what your age (I’m 63). Drink plenty of water and avoid the sweet drinks. If I drink any Gatorade, I generally dilute – 5% Gatorade and the rest water.
Strength & weights training may be one of the four legs of the health table.
I have not heard much of strength training with the 5:2 fasting.
Here are the 4 components:
⚫Fasting & food intake
⚫Cardio conditioning
⚫Mental attitude & meditation
⚫Strength training
Only the fasting seems to be given attention in these forums.
You may wish to look at the primal, or paleo sites, such as marks Daily Apple. This is a more holistic view of life and includes intermittent fasting as one of its core elements.
It has some interesting ideas about fitness training and nutrition that try to reflect the way our bodies have evolved over millennia.
I’ve found a lot of great stuff there that goes way beyond just losing weight. Its interesting reading regardless of whether it appeals to you personally or not
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8:18 pm
10 Jun 13