Weight loss too slow

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  • Hey all, I’m after some advice and motivation.
    We (my wife and I) did the first 14 days at 800, we managed OK and saw it through without exceptions. I was disappointed to discover I’d only lost 4.5kg. Next I went on to 2 (Med diet) and 5 (800s) for a week and then tightened that to a Time Restricted Eating window of 8 hours (11:00am to 7:00pm) for the next week. At the end of those two weeks, just 1.5 more kg.

    Very disappointing, disheartening, frustrating and infuriating.

    Any advice?

    PS. We’re pretty active for age; walking and dancing


    The average weight loss for the majority of people using any weight loss method is similar, a large drop in the first week (mostly water rather than fat) and then it slows down, usually to around 0.5kg per week.
    The fast 800 is a quicker method than most and losing 6kg in a month is a fantastic result.
    Weight loss is also 95% caloric restriction and 5% exercise. It takes a deficit of over 3000 calories to lose 0.5kg and you’d need to do many hours of hard exercise to burn it off.

    I think you should remind yourself that your increase in weight (educated guess here) occurred over several years and that it is logical that you’re not going to lose it all in a few weeks. You should also congratulate yourself for such a great start, lower your expectations and keep on with whatever you are doing because it is working.

    Good Luck.

    6kg in 4 weeks is excellent!

    I have steadily lost weight on 5:2…and this year switched to fast800.

    Fast800 is a very healthy way-of-eating…there will be health benefits beyond the weight loss you have already had.

    Keep up with it -you have made a fantastic start!…Keep your targets realistic, and you WILL get there!

    The question is: what result were you expecting that losing 4.5 k in 14 days is disappointing??? You lost a lot of weight. And you will lose even more when you continue Fasting.
    This is not the magazine cover diet [LOSE 10 POUNDS BY THE WEEKEND!!!]. What makes this work is that the body has a chance to catch up and rearrange tissues/reabsorb cells. This is a good thing.
    Stick with the program. My husband lost 45 pounds [20.4 kg] in 6 months and he kept it off, using the standard 600 calories, 2 days/week method. This is the other benefit of Fasting: you develop new, improved eating habits which help you not to regain the weight.

    Good luck. This works.

    Hi the Bruce,
    I too think that you ought not to be disappointed!
    This is a way of life eating plan … not really a diet unless you want it to be of course ! 😀

    Last May I was 11st 8lbs and I’m now 9st 2lbs and also my cholesterol that was 8.3 is now (yesterday) 7.5.
    The most important thing is that your body doesn’t lose weight in a linear manner, it’s in ‘steps’. We like to think and see instant progress but our bodies don’t seem to work that way. I personally think it’s chemicals which ‘build up’ / or ‘drop down’ then at a critical point then we see the changes. I say this because my shape changed yet my weight remained at a certain point.
    Then I’d suddenly see a drop of 2 to 3kgs/1lb or two?? Like certain changes happened in a sudden point.
    However I am still and steadily losing weight.
    If you want faster changes then basically make sure you are weighing everything, keep a food diary (I also keep a photo one too!) and be totally honest about every single thing you have.
    I wanted a new way of eating, so have been happy to lose the weight more slowly as I needed to stop eating sugar! I need to still reduce my cholesterol but it is now slowly working.
    I have been following the Low Blood Sugar diet, but I can’t always afford the foods so I take the basic meat/fish/ eggs/ and add a variety of veg.
    Apart from a mini treat at xmas I haven’t strayed. 🙂
    And I don’t find satisfaction from sugar ! Can’t barely beliveve it myself!
    Just stunned at how I have changed.
    From Finally feeling ‘In control of my weight’ (& to a degree my cholesterol) and that my shape is just so much better. I can move so much more easily, can bend down and don’t felel the ‘weight restrictions’ and so on …
    It is really wonderful. 😀 It is as has been said for years, a varied diets that works, but to be honest I didn’t truly know what that actually really meant.
    So by my cutting out all pasta, rice, potato and all more ‘carby’ veg I have taken back control of my input and my body has responded. And I am thrilled.
    Now I look in the mirror and I am really pleased. Still got improvements to make but I know now that I will get there.
    So on the days when you feel ‘ach’ this isn’t for me! Dig deep and rely on what others like us, say to you, ” It WILL Work, give it time, be patient!”
    Be assured we have all had days like that too. Plus if you do have a ‘weak’ day, just start again the next day.
    Each pound and then stone you lose, will gradually encourage you to stick to it too…
    🙂 But only you can tread this path but it is yours for the taking. 😀

    Your body uses fewer calories to maintain your current weight when you lose weight. When you keep up your diet, this makes it more difficult to lose weight. In the first few weeks of a diet, the majority of dieters see rapid weight loss. Water will make up the majority of this, especially if you’re on a low-carb diet. You can avoid hitting a weight reduction plateau by exercising, and doing both cardio and strength training exercises can help you reach your goal weight.

    Sometimes it happens, often we cannot achieve the desired results due to certain circumstances or features of our body, it is important to try yourself in different types of sports or training, you and your woman can try calisthenics (try this one https://betterme.world/articles/calisthenics-workout-for-women/).They can be performed practically anywhere and help burn fat and muscle strengthening

    You do not *have* to do any sport at all to lose weight. It has been proven scientifically that walking daily will help to reduce the fat in the bloodstream and so help weightloss…
    Not everyone can do lots of gym from lack of funds to body inability.
    So knowing whatever shape or size you are, but you can get support and help to lose weight is crucial to help you achieve your personal goals.

    Has anyone got experience of very high cholesterol, 8.65, and statins? I have started on statins as the surgery said I must, but would rather do it by diet. I am overweight, need to lose at least 1.5 stones. I’m hoping that I can come off the statins if cholesterol comes down, then use diet. Has anyone done this? I am using time restriction window, eating low fat and Mediterranean diet combination. Lost 3kg in 4 weeks. Exercise is more difficult as I am nearly 70 with arthritic knees etc, but enjoy walking.

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