weight loss of NO interest. Eczema problem

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weight loss of NO interest. Eczema problem

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bugabuy 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I am a woman in my early 60s with very good general health and have been 8 stone all my adult life. I eat sensibly and do moderate exercise and have no particular causes for stress. I am interested in how the diet might help with an unexpected dermatological condition which began nearly four months ago and for which I have been treated on a daily basis at a dermatology clinic – but without lasting success. I would like to benefit from the possible improvement to my skin the 5/2 diet would give but do not wish to lose weight. Any thoughts?

    I know several people who have successfully got rid of eczema by giving up dairy products. Have you tried it or been tested for any food intolerances?

    Not been tested for food intolerances but was told that it is unusual to get food allergies relatively late in life. I do like dairy food so perhaps should experiment with cutting down. Thank you for the tip.

    Hi MargaretJane,

    How has fasting worked out for your eczema? Just curious. I am starting 5:2 for the same reasons!

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