Week One Over

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SarahMck 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Just done my first weigh in after a week – i’ve lost 3lbs. I decided to dive straight in on 4:3, fast days to be Monday, Tuesday & Thursday but gave myself a mental get out clause to not do Tuesday if I was too hungry after Monday.

    Probably would have been better to do Monday, Wednesday & Friday but I didn’t want to give up my Friday night drinks!!

    Monday was so good that I decided not to eat until evening – I allowed myself 150ml of skimmed milk for coffee and tea and started the day with a large strong coffee, had a green tea for lunch and then a normal tea at 4.00 and ate a 312 calorie meal at 7.00 which filled me up! Don’t usually touch ready meals but decided to go with some M & S Balanced for You to start so I would know exactly how many calories I was eating. Tuesday also OK and had a 300 calorie meal.

    Found Wednesday harder – I decided that on a Wednesday & Friday to stick to 1000 calories (am allowed 1600) and maybe went just over as had wine!

    Saturday & Sunday I ate normally allowing myself ‘treats’ such as a piece of cake and a small portion of nacho’s for lunch.

    Being able to have treats at the weekend made the fast days well worth doing and this is probably why I have struggled on other diets as I like to have wine and a few treats but I know if I can cut those right down I will loose faster but still pleased with week one!

    Hi Anne, just read your post and wondering how you’re going? Are you still fasting x3 days a week? I’ve only just started my 5:2 journey and so far so good (Tomorrow is my second fast day) I’m looking to talk to someone else going through the same thing I am (Hence this website!) I’m managing ok so far but tend to get a bit frazzled by late afternoon and thats my biggest risk timezone for picking.
    Have you lost anymore weight? – (And I know what you mean about Friday night drinks, I’ve picked Friday as a fast day however leaving the weekends free days so I can have a drink Saturday. Gotta live a little too!)

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