Week 36

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Beavergong 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Age 53 started the program 26 Apr 2013
    Weight 121.8 kg down to 111.4 kg
    Waist 131 cm down to 116 cm
    Body fat 34.7% down to 32.7 %
    Doctor relayed colesterol best it has ever been and blood glucose level is really good.
    I have significantly increased my exercise since shedding the above excess and found the whole process really flexible and I don’t go hungry at all.
    I still have another 10 kg to drop but the fast is now part of my regular routine and is just part of how I live so I don’t see any problem with losing the rest of the excess. Once I get there the monitoring and adjusting to keep my weight at that level should be an interesting change.
    A colleague has also been on the program with impressive results. He had been diagnosed with diabetes some 14 months ago and since being on the program has reverted to glucose intolerance. He his hoping to continue his regression from diabetes as he continues his fasting path.

    Thankyou Michael

    Well done Horss. You have shown self discipline and commitment to 5:2 and it has proven results. I too in 10 months have found 5:2 effective I,ve lost 36 lbs or 17 kg and my blood results have shown amazing changes too. Now I’ve just read the fast exercise book and I,m preparing to try it now too.

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