Went to try on dresses for my wedding yesterday – what a wake up call! The dresses were all tiny sample sizes, some of which barely passed my thighs and what was supposed to be a relaxed afternoon of feeling a million dollars ended up with me in tears and my bridesmaid escorting me to the pub across the road.
I don’t actually think I want a wedding dress from a shop because I am a hippie chick at heart and wouldn’t feel comfortable spending £££ on a dress that isn’t me and I’d never wear again but havr always envisioned trying on dresses and them instantly transforming me into a princess. A tattooed, dreadlocked princess but a princess nonetheless!
What an experience! I guess I just had an idea in my head of what I looked like but the mirror and the podiym thing I had to stand on under unforgiving lights said otherwise.
I am soldiering on with my fast day today with a stronger sense of direction. I have reached a mini goal of 10 st. The next one is 9st 11lb where I will have lost a stone. Then 9st 9lb, the magic single figures, then 9st 7lb, 9st, and then finally 8st 11lb, which is what I weighed a year ago at the start of my pregnancy. Anything else would be a bonus.
The wedding is in May and I am making my own dress and its going to be totally unlike any wedding dress you could buy!
Vent over 🙂
4:53 pm
5 Feb 15