Wedding Dress Wake Up Call

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Wedding Dress Wake Up Call

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jossypop 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Went to try on dresses for my wedding yesterday – what a wake up call! The dresses were all tiny sample sizes, some of which barely passed my thighs and what was supposed to be a relaxed afternoon of feeling a million dollars ended up with me in tears and my bridesmaid escorting me to the pub across the road.

    I don’t actually think I want a wedding dress from a shop because I am a hippie chick at heart and wouldn’t feel comfortable spending £££ on a dress that isn’t me and I’d never wear again but havr always envisioned trying on dresses and them instantly transforming me into a princess. A tattooed, dreadlocked princess but a princess nonetheless!

    What an experience! I guess I just had an idea in my head of what I looked like but the mirror and the podiym thing I had to stand on under unforgiving lights said otherwise.

    I am soldiering on with my fast day today with a stronger sense of direction. I have reached a mini goal of 10 st. The next one is 9st 11lb where I will have lost a stone. Then 9st 9lb, the magic single figures, then 9st 7lb, 9st, and then finally 8st 11lb, which is what I weighed a year ago at the start of my pregnancy. Anything else would be a bonus.

    The wedding is in May and I am making my own dress and its going to be totally unlike any wedding dress you could buy!

    Vent over 🙂

    Awesome, good luck with the dress I’m doing the same I haven’t tried on a dress yet as they aren’t what I would wear plus I want to lose a stone before I even try a dress one

    Well THAT shop isn’t doing themselves any favours are they? What a dumb set-up. When I went wedding dress shopping with my bride-to-be bezzie a few years ago (we were both equally overweight at the time and we’re now both considerably slimmer – she more than me) all of the shops we went to had pretty large samples for the most part with just a few that she couldn’t get into. Surely it’s a stupid idea to stock samples that the brides-to-be can’t even try on. Even a tiny bride could get a decent IDEA of how the dress will look if it’s a couple of sizes too big but if you can’t get the thing past your hips then you’ve no chance. Daft!

    Anyway, home-made sounds like a great way to go. Very personal & romantic. Hopefully your day will be as special and individual as your dress. 😉

    Tracy – I know right?! Seeing as the average British woman is supposedly a 14/16, I don’t really know what the idea is stocking small 8/10 dresses! If there was ever a way to scare people away from your shop that’ll be it…!

    My dress is going to be knee length (as at 5’2″ would drown in floor length + I actually quite like my legs so would like to show them off!), with a colourfully embroidered structured bodicd and the soft cotton muslin of the layered skirt will be decorated with subtle block prints – white on ivory.

    I have now passed a mini goal of losing 1 stone so am filled with confidence I can reach my target! Fast days are getting easier and all the sacrifices and better choices on non-fast days are feeling more natural and easy, as the fast diet has been known to do!

    Thanks for your support Tracy 🙂

    In case anyone is interested, here is my handmade wedding dress…

    And here is me in it…

    And another…

    And for those amongst you who like cake, this is our wedding cake 🙂

    I reached my goal weight, made my dress (albeit not knee length as I originally planned, my nan was most pleased haha) and ate my cake!!!

    You looked amazing, I only just stumbled on this post (have only been on 5:2 for a 3 weeks…) I’m really enjoying reading peoples stories and must say this way of eating is working for me. I’ve only got about 6kg to lose and am feeling that it’s very doable. So good that you got to your goal and beautiful dress and great cake! I’d get married in a retro number from my collection, no doubt. And very soon some will fit again. Congrats on your marriage Little wing!

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