Wearing size 8 trousers today!

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Wearing size 8 trousers today!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    Today is my 10th fasting day. I started almost exactly one month ago (Aug. 16). As of last Thursday (which is my weighing day), I had lost 5 pounds so far. I wanted to share with you all that today I am wearing a pair of size 8 trousers I haven’t been able to wear in several years! They are still a teeny bit snug, but I can wear them!!! Yea, me!

    Hi Melinda, well done on your weight loss and the benefits to your inner health. Just beware of “wardrobe malfunctions” as you loose all of this weight of yours.
    Good luck.

    Yeah. Keep going your on your way

    Wow, I’m very jealous! Well done Melinda!

    Haha – me too! Well, they’re 10s actually but I’m in the UK, so I think that’s supposed to work out as about a U.S. size 8?

    Considering this time last year I was still a comfortable size 16 – I’m pretty happy today! 😉

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