Water retention problem or Ascities?

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Water retention problem or Ascities?

This topic contains -4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MalcolmYoung1 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi
    My name is Jiten. I want to ask that i am having tight and some big stomach after eating. I thought it is bloating but even after freshup in the morning i feel big stomach and it becomes more bid after eating and drinking anything. Is this water retention problem in my body. Or just a case of bloating because i do have constipation sometimes. I am regular alcohol consumer also. Please advice me any home remedy or should i visit any doctor.

    Stop drinking alcohol, man.

    You have to stop drinking alcohol.

    Why am I telling you about alcohol? I used to drink a lot of alcohol, and I also smoked cigarettes, of course. And the food I ate was extremely unhealthy. In short, I led a terrible lifestyle. All my friends told me that I should sometimes go to the doctor for an examination or use the software to monitor my health on this site https://www.iinsight.biz/. And of course, I didn’t listen to them, and in and of course, it all led to stomach problems. Therefore, the best option for you is to go to the doctor and conduct a complete examination of the stomach. Maybe you just need to get a little treatment, and everything will be fine.

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