Water retention

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Arielle 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone: I have just completed my 4th fast day, ie I’ve been on the 5:2 for 2 weeks now, and for the last week have had considerable water retention which simply won’t go. It is not down to the “usual feminine reasons” (!) and the only thing I can think of is it being a side-effect of the fasting days (though it stays on on normal days too). So somewhat bemusingly, I am 2lb heavier than when I started (and have not been “over doing it” on non-fast days.)which even I can’t normally gain in that time period even when eating “normally.”
    Has anyone else had this side-effect?Am going out in search of a diuretic tomorrow to try & help, but do not relish the prospect of having this as a permanent side-effect of the system.
    Help! Any similar experiences and advice?

    Hi Lou
    Just wondering if your taking any medication, because I suffer with water retention and just before I started 5.2 found cocodamol on a regular basis for other problems, doctor can’t see a connection but I know when I dropped them difference was amazing, then 6weeks later (4weeks on 5.2) I’m 1stone lighter
    and my retention problem even better, hope some of this helps. Sue

    Are you on birth control? It can contribute to non-stop bloating.

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