Water benefit

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Elainefriend 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I posted this on another thread but I thought I’d repeat it here…

    I’m noticing, apart from the weight loss and health improvements, a difference in my skin. I’ve always been fortunate to have a good complexion but I was a bit worried because I’ve seen people who have lost loads of weight who get very wrinkly faces.

    I have plenty wrinkly skin elsewhere but I can cover that up with clothes!! I do use E45 lotion on my skin but I’m putting a lot of the credit for the lack of wrinkles and the nice soft smooth skin on my face and neck down to the amount of water I’m drinking.

    Has anyone else noticed an improvement? I think this yet another benefit of this way of eating.


    Hi Sylvestra,
    I have noticed an improvement in my skin which I am putting down to vast quantities of liquid now consumed. Previously my skin was dry and flaked easily and now it’s plumpilicious and soft as a baby’s bottom. I don’t use any creams, never have, I FIND IT ATTRACTS BITING INSECTS WHICH I can live without. Let’s hope it helps the elasticity too.

    HI Girls, I agree with the water drinking, just recently my skin has been very bad, I have psoriasis, so its back to Liz Earl and water for me started back yesterday

    Hi and yes me too! i have been noticing my skin looks and feels better than normal. It seems brighter and glowing and clear but ive only been doing this 2 weeks. Also i always drink lots of water so its not water for me. I think 5:2 helps your liver dump toxins and impurities because it gives your body a “break” so it can clean what impurities it has already in it.

    My hair is glossier and I’m losing less of it when washing/drying it and my skin looks radiant. I love this 5:2 way of eating. I’ve lost 12lbs in 9 weeks and haven’t been this slim in ten years. BMI is now within the normal range and I’ve lost only fat no muscle. Wish I’d come across this way of losing and maintaining weight years ago, it would have saved all the agony of yo yo dieting. I have set goals and am achieving them. The first was to get below 10 stone, I’ve achieved that. The second is to get below 60kilograms, I’m a couple pounds away from that. Once under 60 kilograms, my next goal is to get below 130 pounds and then go onto maintaince. I even enjoy the challenges of fast-days which are now becoming second nature. Love reading everybody’s difference experiences on this forum it’s inspiring with lots of sound advice. This is the best way ever to stay healthy and feel happy 🙂

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