I have a good grasp of science but biology is not my field, so wanting to get the basics right. Please correct my concepts that are incorrect. We have glucose floating around in the blood between certain upper and lower bounds. Excess is stored as glycogen in muscle cells and the liver. Once these are full further excess is stored as fat either as inter-muscular fat or in adipose cells. Have I got that right?
With regards to fasting and energy consumption, depending on the rate of exercise a different mix of the three energy sources is utilised but all three are used simultaneously? Correct? As the fast continues, say a consecutive 2 day fast, the glycogen reserves will be empty and energy will be purely coming from fat stores. Correct? My question is, are the glycogen stores only replenished by once again eating after the end of the fast? Or is some of the stored fats converted and stored as glycogen during the fast? Is the body converting energy stored as fat into energy stored as glycogen because that is a better way of storing energy that is more readily usable for daily activity and exercise?
9:58 pm
23 Dec 15