Walnut importance studied

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  • New research out of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center shows why walnuts should play a prominent role in our diets.

    The study demonstrated that a diet rich in walnuts helped subjects with obesity shrink their waistlines and improve blood flow. The finding has implications for understanding weight control and reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, said Director of the Prevention Research Center and the study’s lead author David Katz. The finding was published online in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition on July 25.

    “This study shows that in practical terms, incorporating walnuts into the diet corresponds with some improvement of risk factors for heart disease,” said Loma Linda University professor of nutrition Joan Sabaté, who was not involved with the study.

    ★★★★★The researchers recruited 46 obese participants with risk factors for cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. The subjects were divided into two groups, and during the study, all subjects ate normally while one group received an additional 56 g of walnuts per day for eight weeks. After a four-week washout period where neither group ate additional walnuts, the initial control group started on the walnut-enriched diet.

    Throughout the study, researchers measured the elasticity of the right brachial artery in order to assess walnut’s effect on blood flow. Results showed walnuts slightly reduced blood pressure and vastly improved blood flow.

    Katz said one of the most intriguing results of the study were walnut’s impact on waist circumference. While the presence of walnuts added about 350 calories per day to the subjects’ diets, subjects’ waist circumferences went down instead of increasing, though subjects did not actually lose weight.★★★★★

    “What we think is going on here is that walnuts — nuts in general — but walnuts [in particular are] very satiating so they actually help bump other calories out of the diet,” Katz said. “So if you add walnuts, the benefit isn’t just what you’re adding but also what you’re bumping out.”

    Given the results of this study, incorporating walnuts into the American diet may help treat the obesity epidemic by reducing dependency on foods high in saturated fats, said study co-author and Assistant Director of the Prevention Research Center Valentine Njike in an email to the News on Thursday, adding walnuts have been shown to bring benefits ranging from enhanced brain function to reduced stress.★★★★★ Walnuts also have high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 acid that has proven to benefit the heart, he said.★★★★★

    While snacking has been implicated in obesity, Katz said encouraging nutritious snacks like walnuts should be a key component in public health initiatives going forward. Sabaté said the public should exercise caution in adopting walnuts as “weight-control pills,” though, since they alone will not cure obesity.

    Katz is now leading another study to explore the long-term effects of walnut consumption on weight control and diet.

    The obesity rate in the United States is 31.8 percent, according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.



    “nutritious snacks like walnuts should be a key component ”

    My go to nuts has been almonds, I will get walnuts to mix it up a bit.


    I just want to caution that some of you that you may not be able to tolerate Walnuts because of their acid content. I have found that raw walnuts will in fact cause my tongue to bleed. My Dentist has the same problem. I have also found that I have no problems with Walnuts that are cooked. So I roast my Walnuts in an oven and then I can add them to my cereal in the morning. Don’t know what that does to the nutrition part of the equation but they still help with keeping me feeling full.

    OTOH, Walnuts baked in Maple, Walnut Blondies are darn good too. 🙂



    almonds is still my choice but will add the walnuts 56 grams which is 1/4 cup a day not 4 fastday


    are also rich in minerals like manganese, copper and magnesium and B-complex vitamins like niacin and biotin, which help to activate the energy production in our bodies. So, the more active your body is, the more it will burn calories.

    This nut is also good for your overall health, because of its heart healthy property also known as monounsaturated fatty acids. These acids help in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in your body and reduce the risk of various heart ailments.

    In the study, 137 adults who were at risk for type 2 diabetes were divided into five groups. One group avoided all nuts and seeds, while the others ate 1.5 ounces of almonds daily (about 35 nuts) for four weeks either with their breakfast or lunch, or as a morning or afternoon snack. The snack groups consumed the nuts about two hours after a meal and two hours before their next meal.

    Despite consuming 250 calories from almonds, participants’ total caloric intake did not increase and they did not gain weight during the month-long experiment, according to the study.

    pistachios 4 fastday 3 cals a nut

    pistachios help fight diabetes as they improve insulin resistance, a physiological condition in which cells fail to respond to the normal actions of insulin.

    The unique nutritional composition of pistachios makes them especially relevant in the fight against diabetes as they are rich in fibre, beta-carotene (a pigment abundant in plants and fruits used to treat various diseases) and other anti-oxidant substances, said research author Monica Bullos.

    This nut also helps keeping a healthy heart and preventing cardiovascular diseases thanks to its high content in healthy fats that help having cholesterol levels down, Bullos added.

    According to a new study published in the International Journal of Obesity, ‘Almonds may help you shed those unwanted pounds’.

    These nuts are healthy and are rich in healthy fats which offer a high level of satiety. Besides, they are also loaded with numerous nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which will help you to lower your carbohydrate cravings and so, help you lose weight.

    4 fastdays 2

    ★★★★★Research shows that when eating whole almonds or pistachios, some of the fat in the nuts is not absorbed by the body, making the available calories less that what’s on the label. Almonds are 25% lower in available calories and pistachios are 6% lower than labels state.★★★★★ wooohooo


    thanks 4 pointing out the caveats

    i would think if u roast them it should not hurt

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays

    well maybe its a good thing that I have just picked over 100kg of walnuts!


    wow that must b haaaaaaaaaaard work

    well, not so bad really. We’ve been doing a bit every day. I reckon there is probably another 20 – 25kg to come off the trees!


    do u have special tools?

    those trees r beautiful we used 2 have black walnut trees

    do u know the difference now that i think of it?

    what r u doing on fastdays & nonfastdays?

    i would assume allot of walnut recipes?

    keep us posted
    wish u success

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    a fistful of health

    a fistful of walnuts eaten regularly will give you
    190 calories
    18 grams of total fat
    2.57 grams of alpha linolenic acid (ala)…an omega-3 fatty acid
    4 grams total carbohydrate
    2 grams dietary fiber
    4 grams protein

    1. it’s only tree nut rich in alpha- linolenic acid (ala), the plant omega-3 fatty acid. one ounce of walnuts provides more than the daily recommended intake of ala for men and women. each 1 gram per day increment of ala was associated with a 10% lower risk of coronary heart disease death

    2. contain antioxidants (melatonin)

    second only to blackberries as best plant source of antioxidants.

    based on the average for six clinical trials on the cholesterol effects of walnuts, eating a handful per day will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%.”

    3. in older subjects at high cardiovascular risk, mediterranean diets enriched in tree nuts, primarily walnuts, can:
    reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%.

    reduce risk of stroke by 49%

    reduce blood pressure

    improve lipid profile

    reduce oxidation and inflammation

    decrease insulin resistance

    prevent metabolic syndrome and diabetes

    Walnuts and linseeds are a part of my breakfast on non fast days… so good for you!



    may i ask?

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