Vomiting on fast day.. Anyone else experienced this??

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Vomiting on fast day.. Anyone else experienced this??

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Weissdorn 11 years ago.

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  • Hi Everyone, I am in South Australia. I began 6:1 fasting after I saw the Eat Fast Live doco on SBS a few weeks ago.
    I am not overweight (180cm/ 65kg) but I would like to lose a little more (aim for <60kg) and the health benefits seem amazing.
    My husband is on board too. We fast on Tuesdays.
    My first fast day went well, It was easier than I thought. But… The next morning when I thought I would be ravenous, I wasn’t hungry at all and I had to force down a little apple LSA porridge for breaky. It made me feel awful! I was dry reaching in the loo, felt dizzy and so nauseous. After a rest and some dry crackers, which were the only thing I could stomach I felt a little better and could carry on the day but it scared me.
    The next fast went well. I didn’t feel yuck in the morning. Happy!
    Yesterday was my third attempt. I had an apple for morning tea, and a cabbage salad around 4pm. I drank heaps of water and cups of tea. Went to bed feeling very hungry and a little queezy. Woke up at 1am and vomited up everything! I felt so awful I made myself a piece of toast (which I don’t normally eat) and went back to bed around 2am. At 3am I was up vomiting again!
    I feel disgusting today. I couldn’t even get out of bed to get the girls ready for school/kindy. Lucky DH is such a champ!
    It cant be gastro ’cause its happened twice now.
    Has anyone else experienced this?
    Is my body telling me fasting is not good for me?
    Cheers, Ali

    Hey! I’m sorry to hear this is happening to you. I can’t remember anyone else ever mentioning this on here, there have been posts about diarrhea though.

    I need some more information to maybe have an idea, like how do you do your fast days? What do you eat? You mentioned what you had the third day, where I’m wondering where the protein is. Was the first day the same as the third?

    Thanks for your reply Nika,
    On the first day I had a small piece of bacon and a poached egg for breakfast. Not much else after that.
    Second fast day I think I nibbled a lot more throughout the day
    No protein on the third fast day.
    Still feeling awful today and cant really stomach any food. Perhaps I should force down some protein??

    Forcing down food isn’t something I’m a fan of, but sometimes it can help.

    I’m honestly baffled by what’s happening to you, and can’t really think of anything right now. The whole ‘your body has to get used to it’ could still be a factor, but yours is being quite violent about it.
    Do you have a history of stomach problems? Do you also suffer reflux? Or is it just the vomiting?

    Hi fastaussie,

    I didn’t throw up on my first fast day, started September fifth. It was on a Thursday, did okay, but no real appetite the next day. I was thinking yay! but by that Sunday, went to dinner and thought I would explode. Kept going, more careful for a while, then got thrown off schedule. I started having bowel issues, cramping, going to the bathroom, etc., just in the last 18 days. Last five days have calmed down. I guess that’s my point. You may have to go slower at the beginning and grow into it, so as not to cause spasms in g.i.tract, if it’s an issue for you.

    Or like Nika says- try more protein 😉 Anyway, wish you success at your own detective work!

    Hi Ali, looking at your numbers – 180cm/65kg – you must be already quite thin, depending on your age and level of activity your BMI is probably at the very low healthy level. Trying to get to <60kg will definitely put you in the underweight category. So, maybe your body is trying to tell you something ?
    Get well soon!

    Hi fastaussie,

    Just a thought? Is it possible that the throwing up and general yuck feeling might have been a bug that happened to coincide with a fast day? That’s not to invalidate all the other possibilities fellow posters have suggested.

    Thanks everyone,
    It does seem a bit strange. I really wanted to do the fasting for the health benefits, not the weight loss. I do realise my BMI is healthy for me but you know, there’s always a few jiggly bits hanging around 🙂
    I think perhaps I might start a bit slower, eat a little more on my fasting days, and see how my body goes.
    I appreciate all your advice

    I hope it works out for you! Let us know how you did!

    I’ve had a similar problem.
    I’ve done two fast days now. I’m 166cm and 66kg
    First day ate nothing after dinner time one night until 7pm following day. Had smoked salmon, two boiled eggs and a tangerine.
    I found the actual fasting enjoyable and wasn’t starving. I have a 10month old baby who sleeps in bed with me and breastfeeds on and off through the night. I had a really bad night’s sleep and was wide awake at 5-6am feeling very shaky and jittery. I got up and ate a rice cake and then felt really nauseous for a few hours.

    Fasted for my second day yesterday. Again, ate nothing after dinner weds night, fasted all day thurs until 5.30pm, ate 500cals in one go. lots of water, coffee, herbal teas all evening.
    Again, awake at 6am very jittery and with a dreadful feeling of foreboding/anxiety- ate a corncake and a glass of apple juice, then some hot milk with honey. Felt really, really sick and had to go back to sleep for a bit. Felt slightly better when I woke up, but felt like I had a bit of a hangover?

    Weird. Am wondering if I’m getting very hypoglycaemic with the breastfeeding overnight, but i’d had a 500cal meal at 5.30pm, which I don’t think is complete starvation, really?!

    any advice welcome!

    I have had episodes of vomitting but not on the Fast Diet. It was with traditional fasting, in which I was drinking protein shakes instead of eating any kind of food.

    The combination of soy protein and too little water and having a little stress which made me sick. Please make sure you’re hydrated. Also I have heard of people who had high glucose levels getting sick and having migraines when they did zero-intake fasting (water only) days.

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