vomiting of green color (vomiting of bile)

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vomiting of green color (vomiting of bile)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  CalifDreamer 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello.
    Help please understand.
    30 days fasting and went out of fasting on fresh juices. Juices from cherries and mulberries.
    But, on the 3rd day, vomiting began. Vomiting lasted 6 hours. The vomiting was green. First, vomiting was normal, then vomiting with water, and then vomiting green.

    Because of what can start on the way out of fasting such a strong vomiting ?????? What could be the reason ?????
    Help. Maybe somewhere this situation is described ???

    Thank you.


    Now everything is fine.
    I’m wondering why it happened.

    Green vomiting – the problem may be in the intestines

    When vomiting is fluid, stained green (from light to dark), come up from the duodenum. It often happens, even at poisoning, migraine attack, typical vomiting of pregnant women. At the same time: the return of bile (it is responsible for the color of vomit) is also accompanied by a life-threatening disease, i.e. intestinal obstruction.

    The stenosis or occlusion of the intestinal lumen usually does not develop rapidly. Initially, abdominal pain, varying degrees of severity, recurrent. Over time, the feces stop, the stomach is flatulent, but you can not get rid of gas. The first vomiting is “normal”, but sometimes they can have a smell of stool. Attention, defecation after challenge (eg suppository) still does not exclude obstruction – this can be higher than excreted stool remnants.

    In case of obstruction, immediate medical attention is needed

    Please see a doctor. This is not normal and probably has nothing to do with fasting.

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