Vitamin B12 deficiency

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  geek84 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi Folks
    I recently had a blood test and was told that I have a lack of vitamin B12 in my body.
    I know that B12 is obtained from foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, broccoli, brussel sprouts, peas, and cod.
    However, do I need to cook/prepare the meat, fish, broccoli, sprouts, and peas in a specific way i order to get maximum b3enefit?
    Also, would you suggest any particular type of meat and fish to buy/make?
    How about eating fish and chips?
    Regarding the dairy products, Is there any particular type of dairy products that I should eat?
    Finally, I am taking 2 cyanocolabalamin tablets daily, to boost my B12. (as prescribed by doctor). Do you think I should take other supplements as well, such as nasal spray available from Holland & Barrett to help increase the amount of B12 intake?
    Thanks in advance for your responses.

    Hi Geek84,
    Steaming, roasting, and stir frying are better ways to cook veggies than boiling unless you drink the water used to boil the vegetables. Boiling the veggies leeches out the nutrients. Red meat is better medium rare than well done unless it is ground. Then medium to well is safer.
    I’m curious as to how old you are and if you were eating vegetarian? From what I’ve learned over the years, meat is the best source for B12 because our bodies assimilate it the easiest from meats. Also, as some people age, they start producing less intrinsic factor, a enzyme or some such, which helps us absorb the B12.
    I had to research this for my in-laws a number of years ago, so I’m a little familiar with it. My sister-in-law also had a B12 deficiency, and she had to get injections for it.


    Hi VirginiaEdie

    Many thanks for your reply. I am 47 years old.

    Well, I imagine intrinsic factor wouldn’t be an issue at 47. I hope you figure it out. Good luck.

    Hi. When my husband tested low for B12 they sent him for further testing. Ended up he has celiac disease and going on a strict gluten free diet took care of that.

    Thanks Folks.

    Any further advice greatly appreciated.

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