Vitamin and mineral pills for fast day

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Vitamin and mineral pills for fast day

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Do you take them?

    I’m concerned mainly about calcium because we’ve got osteoporosis in my family and i’m likely to get it. So i am always conscious of getting enough calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous or is it potassium. I forget. Actually i just assume that the last one will be there but i do think about the other two.

    I’m going to get my gp to recommend me one and maybe its time i asked for a bone density test too as i’m over 50 now.

    Anyone else got any concerns with regard to this . I wonder what mimi and Michael do? AFterall men can get osteoporosis too.

    I take Perfectil in order to feel more cheerful and not harm the hair and skin.

    I used to run the local bone density service as part of my job, so have a fair amount of knowledge about OP.
    Vitamin D is free, you get it from the sun so you just need a few minutes fresh air every day and it doesn’t need to be bright sunshine.
    If you have a family history of OP your GP will send you for a DEXA scan, and then if necessary the relevant medication will be prescribed.
    The best things you can do to prevent OP are ensuring you have a balanced diet and take regular exercise. Fast walking or cycling several times a week and muscle building resistance exercise are what is required.
    I walk as often as I can and I do an aerobics/muscle building workout 5 times per week.
    I take Omega 3,6,9 and Glucosamine/Chondroitin complex for my arthritis, but I don’t take anything else.

    I know all that. I”m asking about fast days, that’s all. 2 days out of 7 is almost a third of the week so that’s almost a third of your life (if you continue this regime) without sufficient calcium intake. Its bound to have an impact on bone density.

    I think glucosamine is just another con myself. I have heard more convincingly that going without meat is good for arthritis and increasing vitamin d and lemon juice or something like that. I heard it a long time ago so i can’t remember the recipe of vitamin d and lemon juice properly. I don’t have arthritis but will probably get it because that’s in my family too. Also the exercise is good for arthritis because it takes more strain off your joints if your muscles are stronger.

    Sorry, I misunderstood.

    I don’t think two fast days would make a difference to bone density unless someone’s diet was very poor on the other five days.

    The glucosamine/chondroitin seems to work for me. I was getting very bad joint pain in both thumbs, so bad that I couldn’t open a jar or grip anything firmly and I had to stop knitting, so I gave it a try thinking that I was wasting my time and money. It took about three months, but it worked. I have no pain now. If I stop taking it the pain returns after a few weeks, so I’m a believer.

    I agree about getting muscles stronger so they can support joints better, it makes a huge difference.

    Ok, fair enough. I’m happy to hear it worked for you.

    I hope you are right about the fasting thing. I will check with my gp on Friday. She’s had a go at the 5:2 diet so we’ll see if she’s thought about it at all.

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