Very happy newbie

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bluelights21 10 years ago.

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  • So my 1st fast on 8th, 2nd on 10th and 3rd today. Feeling very good. So far I don’t seem to have a problem on fast days,after today the next day is Friday. Have lost 7 lb so far. Come On!

    Well done! I started today, hope to get the same results!

    Awesome job bluelights21! My husband and I started this diet last Monday (Jan 5th), we are fasting on Monday’s and Thursday’s. So far its been going pretty good on fast day’s ourselves.

    My husband weighed himself this a.m. and his lost 6 pounds so far! I weigh in tomorrow…I hope I see positive results like you two did!

    Keep up the great work!

    Thank you for your support you guys, I hope your fast days are fast days.
    after my 3rd fast day I find I have lost 10 lb in total! Wow, that seems to be a lot in less than a week, what on earth was I eating? Only 7 lb to go for phase 1 (reaching 15st) phase 2 will be 14st. That should take me to top end of healthy. (I wish I was taller).
    Good luck to you all

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