Vegetarians on the Fast Diet

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Vegetarians on the Fast Diet

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  nigeyb 11 years ago.

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  • Hello all, I’m very new here and I’ve just started the diet properly from the New Year. I’ve read the book now and there is a lot of discussion around carbs, and how to try and minimise these, on both fast and non-fast days.

    The problem I have is that my diet is probably more carb-heavy than most, as I’m a long-term veggie. I don’t have the option to have an evening meal of meat with roast veg etc. My main meals often consist of carbs, either rice, pasta, potatoes etc due to my diet. Are there any other veggies here that are still managing to maintain a steady weight loss on the Fast Diet?

    I could substitute with brown rice and pasta, and leave out potatoes on fasting days. For example so far, I’ve had either veggie ready meals or veggie sausages with broccoli for my evening meal on fast days.

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Linda x

    Hi! I’m a veggie too and live off soup. I never get bored with it. I have a constant supply of potimarrons (thanks mum in law!) and they make a creamy soup or mash. Red lentils are lovely and you don’t need many:much to feel full. I put some into the soup sometimes and/ or split peas. Only slight side effect from all this orange food is that I have a slight orangy tint to my skin these days! It’s true! Even my hairdresser mentioned it today!!! Happy fasting!

    Hi Linda,

    I’m vegetarian too, and a new starter to this as well. I have the same pattern of eating, with quite a lot of carbs. I think that is part of the reason that I need to be on this diet in the first place!

    With regards to eating I’m with Chrissie – soups and salads all the way. I try to replace the carbs with pulses (lentils, chickpeas and the like)

    I’m a carb addict though, so it’s not always easy. I’m not anti carb – it’s just that once I start, I can’t stop!


    I’m veggie but my husband loves meat! I often have roast veg, potatoes etc. but have a quorn fillet or other veggie bake thing with it, instead of meat. This means we sit down with pretty much the same meals which is a much nicer dining experience. I must admit though, I do love my pasta!
    If you’re eating on your own, you can chuck veg and a meat alternative all in one roasting dish. Really easy and very tasty! This also means you are getting some protein. I find getting enough protein is hard.

    The Fast Diet Recipe Book has loads of recipes suitable for Vegetarians – I am a veggie and often have one of the lentil or bean meals: delicious! I find it helps to have strong flavoured food on fast days.

    Thanks all, it’s useful to hear how other veggies do this too! I think the routine I’m settling in to is for me to just have some fruit tea in the morning instead of breakfast, and to have homemade soup for lunch (a small cup full) then a light meal at night. So far, these have been a ready meal so I can keep tabs on my total calorie intake or quorn fillets/sausages with veg.

    I fell my diet has been so carb heavy for that long now that it’s difficult to change, and I know I have to because that’s part of the reason I’m overweight!!

    Linda x

    hi, here is my input. I am a person who eats meat and fish. My wife however is a vegan. Because i prepare the meals in our household a good 90% of my meals are vegan. Because i drank a lot of beer and wine and sat on my backside my weight went up to nearly 28 stone. i read a book called sugar busters by Dr kathleen de maison which is now out of print but has been superseded by
    and she points out that all ROOT vegetables being starch based turn to sugar on eating them and therefore a baked potato is like eating a pound of sugar. Anyway i am now 8 stone lighter. I packed in alcohol and root veg and i go to the gym a couple to three times a week. Anyway i have started the new way of life to get rid of the next 8 stone. Use the fasting as a starting block and build on top, its no use fasting and then filling yourself with sugar in any form.
    Type 2 diabetes is now reversed, i.e no tablets required.Anyway hope this helps somebody cheers Caballo Oscuro

    I’m a vegetarian and have been for almost 13 years. I was vegan for 3 years of that and looked fabulous as a vegan (great skin, great body, felt wonderful). I am now back to vegetarian, but eat as many vegan products as possible. I think it is easier to eat a plant-based diet and get results on this diet. This is what I focus on: soups, salads, eggs, oatmeal. Eggs really help me with the feeling of fullness. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to get wholesome calories but at the lowest amount of many other foods. In weight watchers, they don’t even count fruits and vegetables against you. 🙂

    I’ve been veggie for about 21 years now (god I feel old). I usually have a two egg omlette as my first meal (less than 200 calories), then have some soup in the evening. Eating some protein at the beginning keeps me fuller for longer. If you check the labels you can find loads of soup where an entire can is less than 200 calories.

    If I’m completely desprite for a nosh, 8 cherry tomatoes have 28 calories, and I’ve even had enough for the odd biscuit for the end of the day. Today I made home made soup with an onion, 3 carrots and a melty stock cube and that was less calories than was in the tin I usually have.

    I’m a long term veggie too (though do eat fish occasionally) and have been doing 5:2 since the start of 2014 with great results.

    I have now got used to fasting and usually manage to ride out the hunger pangs which come and go. I have got into a routine of not eating anything for 24 hours (from evening meal on previous day until evening meal on fast day) and then having my total 600 calories in an evening meal after 24 hours has elapsed and that sees me through to the following day (so it’s probably about 36 hours of restricted calories and 24 hours of total fasting). Anyway here’s a couple of tips that might help other people…

    Hot drinks are a very helpful way of overcoming hunger pangs. Redbush/Roibosch tea is caffeine free, calorie free, and a personal favourite.

    If I absolutely feel I need some food then a sachet of Miso Soup in a mug is great and is a mere 18 calories. My favourite instant Miso Soup is Yutaka Wakame Seaweed Miso Soup (does contain fish though)…

    There is a veggie version too which is only 14.4 calories…

    Good luck.

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