Vegetable Juice & Smoothies ??

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Vegetable Juice & Smoothies ??

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I am totally new to this but was wondering if I could stick to vegetable juice’s and smoothies on my fast days? I am buying a Vitamix so will be able to blend my vegetables with added water to reduce the amount of produce/calories used. I currently make my own almond milk and add water for smoothies already.

    Hey Sarah!

    I guess you should do whatever feels right for you. For me it wouldn’t feel right to eat so little protein, but if it works for you, why not?

    Hi Sarah 🙂
    I’m with Nika on the protein aspect, but additionally I enjoy actually chewing food so I feel like I have eaten something!! I have read often that juices don’t keep you full because all the fibre is left behind, but try it, and if it works for you then it is the perfect way to do things 🙂

    Thanks so much for getting back to me..

    I am buying a vitamix so it will kind of be like a green smoothie, just no fruit and watered down.. I also take spirulina twice a day which is a pretty high protein content.. pretty sure I would miss the chewing as well 🙂

    Guess I just have to feel my way around it, I have been on 7 day juice fasts before with great success. Today has been great including a 5km run, so I was happy about that.. looking forward to dinner though right now!

    Haha that makes sense! Food always tastes soo much better when you feel you’ve earned it and you can eat it with a clear conscience!

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