Using Apps with Diet and Exercise

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ruthleonie 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I use the Lifesum App which records my footsteps plus my calorie intake. The more exercise it records (via a Jawbone device) the more calories it allows me to eat. However I have noticed that Michael Mosley, in one of the newsletters I have received, says that you should not eat more on a fast day, even if you exercise. What are other peoples’ experiences/ advice here?

    I calculated my TDEE using the tool on this website which includes my average weekly exercise and I stick to it and do not eat more than 500 calories on a FD regardless of whether I exercise or not.

    I agree with Amazon. Your TDEE includes exercise already. And the 500 cal fast day comes from 25% of TDEE.

    Thank you – good to get other points of view. Fast day tomorrow and I am going to try not to go over 500 if at all possible no matter how much exercise I do.

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