Uric acid benefits?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bagsey675 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I’ve read the book and been on the diet since May and lost weight, but the real reason I want this is the other benefits, ie reduce cholesterol so can come off the statin meds and if possible, reduce uric acid in the blood which causes gout attacks and get off the meds for that too. I have not had blood tested yet, but wanted to know if anyone knows about the latter…I.e does the fast diet reduce uric acid levels? It’s not mentioned or looked at in the book..possibly because Michael did not have that issue in mind.

    Hello Pafugle,

    I’m also interested in the effect of 5:2 on uric acid. Meanwhile, however, I’ll keep taking the meds.


    I saw this and would like to help.

    There is a Chinese root vegetable that can help gout greatly. My brother-in-law suffers from gout many many years. kidney function is only at 30% and couldn’t walk upstairs to the bedroom.

    A few days ago, I heard from him he has been eating the root vegetable, 山药。Now he no longer suffers from gout. His kidney function is normal and he can walk fast. To him, it’s a miracle.

    You might want to try find it in Chinese grocery stores.

    I have pkd (polycystic kidney disease), currently stage 3 and stable at present. I am on blood pressure meds and gout prevention meds and the doctor wants me on another med as with the disease the bp goes up as the kidney function fails. I am also overweight, so am taking this change to IF with both hands to a. Lose weight b. Slow down the rate of the disease and c. If it changes my uric acid levels it would be fab to come off at least one medication.
    Will keep you up to date with my progress if any! This is my first week, with 2 days done.

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