Underactive Thyroid

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Ruthi 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • He there,

    I reecently purchased the books and officially started the 5:2 diet today, the beauty breakfast was very nice. My only concern is I suffer with an underactive thyroid, now I am on medication to correct it, but should this diet effect it in any way. I also have low iron levels.

    Appreciate your help.


    michael & many discuss this especially the part on when 2 take the meds it really has an impact on this lifestyle


    input in search the word it will give u a plithora of stuff

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    Hi wiltldnrUSA

    I can’t find anything on when to take meds like you mentioned in your post, HELP!

    hi HannahBanana84

    might b in separate replies can’t remember

    i think it was 20 min b4 breakfast

    it made a difference

    try dr michael his wife dr clare responses

    all forum michael’s replies or topics or 2 c if they discussed it


    his dr wife clare




    hope this helps

    Michael wrote in answer to one of my posts and says take thyroxine 30 to 60 minutes before food first thing in the morning. It’s made a big difference to me. The reason to do this is to make sure it’s digested before food enters the system I guess. When I find the post I’ll post it again if you can’t find it.

    “Hi Beavergong – IFrustrating when the weight loss slows but you are heading in the right directions so don’t lose heart! I wonder whether lowering your Thyroxine dose may contribute to your slower weight loss as there is no evidence that you need to reduce the dose to do Intermittent Fasting. Worth rechecking your TFTs a few months after changing dose to check you are taking the right amount for you. According to The Australian Prescriber the extent of Thyroxine absorbtion is increased in the fasting state however this is put to beneficial use as this is why you are advised to take it first thing in the morning at least an hour before eating as a routine (ie to maximise absorbtion). But in general the consensus is that Fasting does not have a significant impact on thyroid function. In addition people fasting for Ramadan are advised to continue on the same dose of Thyroxine.
    Sounds like you and your husband are doing brilliantly. keep us posted!

    thanks beavergong 4 finding it 4 HannahBanana84

    Yes, do take the Thyroxine medication in the morning, bef you have eaten anything. Then wait 30 min before you eat. .

    Do not eat soya bean products. If you do the Thyroxine medication does not work.

    Your body and soul tells you if the dose is correct. It is better than any tests. If you feel good it is probably correct. If you feel depressed, tired and the skin is dry it is probably too low. If you get irregular heart beats and the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach/you are feeling nervous without any reason it is probably too high.

    I’m on the right dosage, I get my bloods checked every 6 months and level have remained steady for a while. Thanks so much for finding all the information for me. Really appreciate it 🙂

    Hi, I run the thyroid support group in Western Australia. We advocate a sensible diet and exercise when on medication for an underactive thyroid. It is extremely important to get your thyroid medication balanced out, you will know by blood tests and signs and symptoms that most support groups have. Re the medication, recommended at least 30 minutes before any food and first thing in the morning with a glass of water no tea/coffee.
    This diet should be fine, I do not have a thyroid and on medication and am happy to be on the 5:2. Cheers John Western Australia

    I have been taking armour for 5 months and feel like my younger self! I take it one hour before coffee or food in the morning as directed.

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
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    wish there was a better way ugh

    I have an underactive thyroid too and take 75mcg Levothyroxine with no apparent side-effects. The 5:2 diet seems to be working and I feel fine so far
    but for me, having 3 light meals, only 50 cals for lunchtime, on fast days suits me better. I don’t get hunger pangs this way either, though make sure I stick to the 500 total for the day.


    I don’t have a thyroid, removed 7 years ago, started the 5-2 asked my doctor if this was ok, she said she could not see any problem. I have always taken my tab as soon as I wake up normally around 45 mins before breakfast.

    The short answer is that it won’t be affected at all. Just carry on taking it as directed, and have your blood tests when required.

    Lots of us on here have underactive, or no thyroid, and no-one has reported any problems. You may find that if you eventually go on to reduce carbs that you feel better, but it doesn’t seem to affect the thyroid levels.

    I used to run really high (slightly over the reference level, much to my doc’s distress) and since I took control of the carbs I have been feeling OK on slightly less thyroid meds. That was me using the thyroid to mask the symptoms of too much carb in my diet, nothing to do with the thyroid itself.

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