Type 2 Diabetes on Insulin

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  gillianh 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    I have been on the 5:2 since August and have been very happy and lost weight! I also feel my IBS has improved and my monthly cycle also is lighter! All in all, excellent results. Due to this, my dad has been on it since September and has had amazing results!!! He is, for the first time since he was 30 (62 now), nearly in normal BMI! He has lot 3 inches off his chest, 3 inches off his waist and has lost lots of weight!

    The reason I am posting (I know, get to the point Gillian) is that my mum needs to lose weight! She is a type 2 diabetic and has gone from controlling with diet, to controlling with medication to now being on insulin! After reading all of the success stories of 5:2 and type 2 diabetes, I’d love to be able to help her lose weight and get similar results to many others!

    She cannot lose weight through normal methods as she is disabled so cannot exercise. She also has crohns disease (she is fairly unlucky)!

    I just wanted to get some advice other than the usual – speak to your GP, as our GP isn’t entirely approachable in general! If she is to start 5:2 – would she cut her insulin level by 25% on fast days as she does her calorie intake? I realise that if her blood sugar levels were to go low then she would just abandon the fast day.

    Is anyone else on insulin as a type 2 and doing this way of eating?

    Would really appreciate any advice at all!

    I think your mum would need to measure her blood sugars to stand any chance of knowing how much insulin to take.

    But before getting started on that you need to watch the videos of Dr Jason Fung on YouTube. Just go to YouTube.com and type in his name. He explains how T2 diabetes arises and how he is treating it. Its fascinating, and very encouraging because he shows that its totally curable with the right diet.

    did your mum try this at all? Im a type 2 diabetic being threatened with insulin. Im going to try this diet for the next few weeks before my next appt and monitor my sugar levels during the day.

    not yet but she is starting it next week! I would strongggly advise you start it before insulin!!! it’s harder to go backwards once on it!

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