Type 2 Diabetes

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  • I am o n slow and fact acting Insulin. After talking to doctor as to how to manage insulin, started the 5:2 in September 2017. It has produced excellent results, showing loss of weight, reduced blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and reduced HBA1 (from 6.9 to 6.4) To diabetics thinking about this, my advice would be talk to your medical help, and go for it!!

    I am type 2 diabetic and so far have lost a stone doing the 5:2. My GP is very proud of me 🙂

    Management of type 2 diabetes includes:

    * Healthy eating
    * Regular exercise
    * Possibly, diabetes medication or insulin therapy
    * Blood sugar monitoring
    * These steps will help keep your blood sugar level closer to normal, which can delay or prevent complications.

    Healthy eating:

    Contrary to popular perception, there’s no specific diabetes diet. However, it’s important to center your diet on these high-fiber, low-fat foods:

    Whole grains
    You’ll also need to eat fewer animal products, refined carbohydrates and sweets.

    Low glycemic index foods also may be helpful. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food causes a rise in your blood sugar. Foods with a high glycemic index raise your blood sugar quickly. Low glycemic index foods may help you achieve a more stable blood sugar. Foods with a low glycemic index typically are foods that are higher in fiber.

    I am also suffering from the same and using a normal diet with healthy exercise on daily basis.
    Any more precautions Do I need to take

    I think the best course of action is to do some reading, try a few things & see what works for you, There are lots of opinions & ideas on this site, but I’d take most advice with a grain of salt.
    I personally dropped my blood sugar to 4.5 from 5.9 following 5/2 & reducing carbs – increasing my meat intake at same time. A friend got off diabetes meds following 5/2 & a ketogenic diet.
    Dr Fung has an excellent blog where he discusses type 2 diabetes, it’s causes, his take on why conventional treatments are incorrect, etc. May prove useful – look through older entries as he has a series of posts discussing diabetes/currently on cancer series.

    Hi Daniel:

    I am aware of four pretty much proven methods to reverse Type 2 diabetes.

    1) Long term water fasting, as practiced by the True North Clinic in Santa Rosa, CA USA. Depending on the severity of the diabetes, it usually takes two to four weeks and for the reversal to be maintained a strict plant based diet must be followed after the fast. The fast requires medical supervision and training on the diet is essential. Most people cannot afford the time and/or money it takes for this solution.

    2) Eat a ketogenic diet. There are many, and some are way better than others. This method is often the slowest and depending on the severity of the diabetes, this method can take up to a year (or more) to reverse the diabetes. We are now learning that ketogenic diets also have many long term dangers.

    3) Re Fung, follow a plan that combines water fasting and a form of Keto diet. He often starts his patients with water fasts lasting for one week or more, and follows that initial fast with alternate day fasting, with water fasting one day and eating the keto diet the second. Infinite combinations are possible depending on the severity of the diabetes and what the patient wants to eat, and using the method can reverse the diabetes within weeks, or many months. I think Fung offers relatively inexpensive over the phone counseling for those following his diet plan.

    4) Follow the Longevity Diet (Valter Longo). The diet is plant based with the addition of some fish, combined with monthly five day water fasts until the diabetes is reversed. Thereafter, just follow the food part of the diet, with five day fasts as needed. Care must be taken not to take any glucose lowering drugs when fasting. In lab studies on mice, this diet has also been shown as possibly beneficial to those suffering from Type 1 diabetes, but there are no human studies to verify this.

    Given the long term negative impacts of most keto diets, I would suggest looking into the plant based options. But it really is up to you what kind of foods you want to eat, and being able to stick with the diet is the most important because if you revert to eating what you have been eating and what caused your diabetes in the first place, it may come back and you will be right back where you started.

    Good Luck!

    Dear Simcoeluv,

    Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, i would consider all the aspects of the diet i would initiate. I believe the plant based options would work to my advantage. Right now i have started exercising around 45 minutes each day and have cut down considerably on carbs. I am kind of following the keto inspired meals. I feel more energetic and this seems to be working well.


    Could you please explain what is 5:2 fast diet? I have heard 5:2 diet is too restrictive to be sustainable for long term. People say it works only for small number. What are the factors which will decide whether it will work for me or not?

    Hi Daniel:

    The 5:2 diet can be described in a paragraph or two. The only restriction is that two days a week you must eat 600 cal. or less. The other five days, you eat to your TDEE or less. Otherwise, you can eat anything you want. This link will tell you all you need to know to get started on 5:2: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    @danielpatrik there are many of us here that don’t waste time counting calories and instead just focus on healthy eating. Many more only count calories on fast days if they eat on fasts days, if you don’t need eat though you don’t have to.

    5:2 is the least restrictive diet I’ve ever tried. I actually eat well above the calculated TDEE and I’m still losing fat, but well below the average 1 pound / week level. I’m more focused on building some muscle too so that requires one to eat enough. Still I’m losing around 100g / week over the long run. It is maybe 25% the average but I’ve also seen large increases in strength and muscles. That isn’t easy, but the fasting seems to allow it to work. Not super fast, but losing fat while building lean body mass is difficult.

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    I think you are type 1. Well, i am type 2 patient. I prefer to manage my diet and exercise regularly. My GP has recommended the metformin.

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