type 1 diabetic going to give the fast diet a go

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type 1 diabetic going to give the fast diet a go

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kwisj 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi my names kwisj and i am a 50 year old type 1 diabetic…..the type that has to inject insulin. I’ve been reading about the fast diet and its not recommended for people like me, but not recommended is not prohibited!!! So i’ve just started the diet today….already hit all sorts of diabetic bumps: nothing serious but very annoying.
    I am fit and healthy diabetic with 30 years of diabetes under my belt and no complications so far. My last Hb1ac test was 6,2 which means I’m nearly normal. I’m a regular excercise taker: five times a week for an hour each session. However; having reached 50 years old last year I have noticed the weight slowly creeping up, despite taking regular exercise and not eating excessively. That’s all really. I guess I will keep a regular update on the diet forum just in case there are folks in a similar condition as I and who might be interested to see if a type 1 diabetic can benefit from the fast diet.

    Hi kwisj,
    Cheers to you. Fingers crossed you can manage it easily and well!
    Hopefully the fact the 5:2 can be adjusted around peoples’ lifestyles mean that you will find a way to make it work for you.
    Am I right in thinking that the main thing will be how your space your 500 calories over the fast day?
    Looking forward to reading your next post.

    PS Join us at https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/mid-fifties-just-starting-and-hoping-to-lose-weight-yet-again/page/79/#post-158955 if you would like to be in a bit of a group 🙂

    Hi there Cinque…..well that’s the end of the first fast day….and it was a bit of a chore. Not for the 600 calories but for the diabetes…As the book says it lowers your blood sugar: which it did, but of course my sugar regulation does not work so I had low blood sugar all day….which I had to tend to. I injected half the insulin that I normally inject, but still had low blood sugar all day and throughout the night. On my next fast day I will not inject any insulin and see how that works out. In the short term its better to have high blood sugar than low….as you can faint.
    On the positive side I appear to have lost a kilo…which I cant believe. My wife who started with me lost 300grammes: which is nearly a pound in weight.
    I will join you on the mid fifties forum later on.
    Thanks for the reply

    Congrats Kwisj,
    It sounds as if it is going to be tricky to balance it, but what a great start!
    All power to you! And hi to your wife too!

    thank you

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