TuulaL from Finland is back

This topic contains 30 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TuulaL 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I am back here on the forum after 5-6 months of being lost somewhere….
    I have read “the book ” again and my body feels the same as my mind = this must be the right way to do the entire work of getting better health wise and also get rid of some 10-15 kilograms (haven’t weighed myself yet,but will do it on Thursday).
    I felt it was relatively easy to fast so fasting will be my ‘job’ in the beginning and later on just my way of life.
    Good night,

    Welcome back my lovely friend Tuula 🙂 So good to see you here again.

    I’m really used to the fast days now, and really look forward to them!

    Catch up soon xx

    Hello Dragon Fly,
    My first day is tomorrow and I am not worrying (yet) what to eat because I think I have everything at home which I need. Have to count the calories though.

    I’m on a FD tomorrow too, so we can cheer each other on!

    Yes, we’ll do that. I guess I’ll keep FDs on Tuesday and Thursday because on Monday,Wednesday and Friday or at least 2 of these days I’ll go to the fitness center just 350 meters walk from home.I’ll take the gym very slightly and remember my age !

    Morning Tuula, how are you feeling about your FD today. I’m with you … stay strong! x

    I woke up late this morning. Like usually I was not hungry. Today I had a glass of bubbling water and 2 hours later a cup of black coffee with water. I usually drink a small cup of coffee with a real cream which is my breakfast. But before that I took my blood sugar (much too high ),my waist was a joy (have been to the fitness center !) but anyway it wasn’t at all satisfactory- how could it be. And my weight was a bit less than I had thought. So actually a good start for the day.Hope everything goes well why shouldn’t it 😀

    I can’t believe this. I have only had several glasses water+ black coffee at 10 A.M. and the last time I ate was yesterday evening around 8 P.M. How can it be ? I think I’ll eat when I feel hungry whenever that will be.

    Sounds like your doing great 🙂

    I’m struggling a bit because work is SO quiet today, I’m not busy enough! I’ll keep going though 🙂

    Thanx Dragon Fly ! I thought this day would be difficult but I guess I’ll do just fine the rest of the day.
    The days when it’s quiet or in my case nothing special to do then it’ll be hard. Maybe I have a better motivation now than before.
    You just keep going strong 🙂

    Good morning,
    Yesterday was a brilliant day. I had no trouble fasting, I ate only 270kcal ! I was not hungry at all so I started wondering if I have to eat 500kcal but I didn’t. I lost 800grams which mostly must be water but a good start and good feelings were left since yesterday.
    How was your FD Dragon Fly ? Hopefully it went ok.
    P.S. I think I will have another FD on Sunday because we have nothing special,no friends coming over or something like that. If something comes up then I’ll have FD on Monday because I am not going to Gym then.

    Tuula – you did so well yesterday 🙂 Hope the FD’s carry on like that for you!

    I did ok, although was frustrated when I weighed this morning, to be the same as last Friday. Anything other than a gain is good though, so I’m feeling ok about it. I’ve been exercising, so maybe I’m losing inches?!

    Have a lovely weekend .. Steve and I are going to a classic car show on Sunday, I hope the weathers good for that. I’ll no doubt be putting pics on FB 🙂


    I’ll ‘see’ you on FB then. Enjoy your weekend. I am sure you loose inches.the weight is not going down quickly with persons who have not so much to loose-you know that.
    XX 😀

    Hi TuulaL! I started the 5:2 around the middle of May so I wasn’t here when you were before. It sounds like you’re off to a great start! It doesn’t matter if it’s mostly water weight the first few days. It still has to go, so good riddance to it! 🙂 Glad to see you here.

    I’m doing 2 FD per week and losing an average of .7 kg per week. This is the first week I tried 3 FD, so I am anxious to see what the scale says in the morning. It’s midnight here now so I better get some sleep! (I’m in California.)

    Hello CaliDreamer,
    I saw your comments on my phone but I was on my way to the gym so I decided to answer now. This 5:2 seems to suit most people.
    Internet is a good place if you are careful …I found a cousin, my mom’s brother had lived in Ca and we had thought he had died as well as he had thought all his family was dead after the II WW ! I’ve been to States several times since 1970 but not to Ca, hope I can make it to my cousin some day.
    So we’ll keep going strong,won’t we…

    TuulaL, I hope to make it to Finland one day too. I love reading recipes from your country!

    Hi CalifDreamer,
    You seem to like reading recipes. I personally cook without any recipes. I try something new or a new way to cook every now and then but most often I and my husband eat chicken,fish, vegetables ,maybe meat once in 2 weeks.
    Will try to fast on Sunday.Right now I am watching TV – “The young pope” will start soon.
    Bye for now, Tuula

    TuulaL, I generally cook without recipes too, but I use them as suggestions or ideas. If a dish is very unusual is when I’ll follow a recipe. Or for baking. Baking depends on specific amounts of ingredients for some things to rise or bake properly.

    You and your husband seem to eat the same things that we eat. I make lots of salads too.

    Hi CalifDreamer,
    For baking I also use recepies,but nowadays=the past 2 years I hardly have baked because it’s me who eats cakes,cinnamom rolls,biscuits etc.So I buy possibly needed cakes etc in a special shop. I really mean that if I have home baked e.g. cinnamom rolls in the fridge I can take them to eat even late in the evening even though I am not hungry but sugarholic . I try to avoid that by buying ready baked or frozen to be baked.

    TuulaL, exactly the same reason I don’t bake much! I love sugar late at night. If it’s sitting there, I find it really hard to resist. I keep some desserts in the freezer too, where I’m not tempted. (Unless it’s ice cream. I can’t resist that so I don’t often buy it.

    It’s Sunday 6.P.M. and I had a very easy FD. I can’t believe this system can continue this easy for me. It’s a very warm day and it hasn’t bothered me even when I was out.I have drunk a lot of water,only 2 cups of coffee (even those with water). I ate a bit at 5 P.M. And that’s all. Let’s see what the scale shows tomorrow morning.

    Hi you all, hope Its Goin Well for u.
    Im a 31 years old Mother WHO needs to lose 6-8 kg. Im Goin to give 5 2 another Go as i failed the last time I tried lol, but I feel that I have a different mindset now and only looking to lose 0,5 kg a week. The last time I tried I wanted to lose the weight fast but I’ve learned that there is no need to rush the body. Plus I’m very close to.
    My goal weight so I don’t want lose a lot in an unhealthy way and gain it all back.

    5 2 diet seems to be a easy lifestyle change and one I can kee up with if I can only behave on those two days I should b fine on losing 0,5kg a week.

    Current weight :60,4kg
    Height: 160cm
    Goal weight: 52-54

    Hello NajMah,
    In my opinion you do not weigh much when thinking of your goal weight thus it may take a longer time than just a few weeks to loose 6-8 kg ,so please take it easy and be good to yourself. You can do it.

    Hi tuulal

    I kno that’s why I’m aiming to lose 2 kg a month which means I will reach 54kg in about 3 months.

    I’m not rushing but 60kg just don’t suit my small framed body so hopefully slow and steady will get me to
    My goal 🏁 .

    Morning…since Friday and Sunday (my FDs) I have lost 1.1kg(about 2.2 lbs).This coming week I may not be able to have any FD because we are expecting friends coming over. But if the week end seems ok then I’ll have one FD. Am I glad over this good start !!

    Well Done Tuulal….that’s a great start👌

    I’m having a my first fast day, I stopped eating at 5:30pm yesterday and worked night shift. All I had throughout the nite was water and I’m in my bed right now getting ready to sleep. I’ll see how I feel then if I want to eat or wait until 5:30

    Hi Tuula,

    You’ve made a brilliant start, that loss is really good!

    I’m fasting today, my weight at the moment is driving me mad. I’m down, then up again, down, then up again! I didn’t step on the scales this morning, I’d rather not know lol. Official weigh-in is Friday, so I’ll try and have a good week and get a good result, fingers crossed!

    Day off work tomorrow, dentist first thing and then I’m spending the day with my son, really looking forward to it 🙂

    Don’t worry if you can’t get any fast days in this week, its always so much harder when you have guests.

    Have a good day x

    Hi Dragon Fly,
    Yes indeed I have a very good start.
    I don’t like dentists,but once a year I go to a check-up. Next time soon after she has had her summer vacation.
    Have a good time with your son which you of course will have.
    Have a very good day today.

    hey hope its going all well for u!

    I had a fast day, was not really counting calories but eat 1 heahlty low carb meal yesterday and woke up this morning weighing 0,5 kg less….happy about it whether it is water weight or whatever it is.

    wish u luck

    Hi Tuula,
    Hope your weeks going well 🙂 NFD for me today, but I’m finding that I eat so much less now, its all good! FD tomorrow x

    Hi Dragon Fly,
    I have a FD today before the week end. Good to hear you feel all right and eat less. I hope I’ll reach that point sometimes in the future.
    NajMah – you also seem to be on a good way. Keep going strong !

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