Tues and Thurs Fasting buddies??

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Tues and Thurs Fasting buddies??

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Camilla3147 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I’m Amy 🙂 Ive decided to give 5:2 a go, and my fasting days are going to be Tuesday and Thursday. Mainly because these days are my busiest so hoping being busy will take my mind off the hunger

    Would love to buddy up with people that are also fasting on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s so we can keep each other going. On here, or fb chat, whatsapp or whatever…just a group motivation 🙂


    Hi Amy – sounds like a great idea! This week I’m Weds/Fri but next week I may do Tues/thurs. Either way it’s good to have motivation. I’m hoping for a 4lb loss this week. Fingers crossed!

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