Trying something new…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Sparky21 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • In light of 5:2 going strong for 5 weeks, I’ve decided to try something I’ve failed at in the past. I’m giving up soda. Regular, diet, and anything sparkling. I don’t drink a lot, one 12 oz can or 20 oz bottle, except on fast days where I have none. This is an additional challenge for me because soda was my vice. But it’s so bad for you and in addition to becoming healthier, I feel as though I will lose additional weight. Please send me encouragements and success stories! I’ll need them if I’m going to move past the soda. ^_^

    Good for you! It is difficult to give up soda! I was a diet Pepsi addict years ago and gained 40 lbs before I knew it. The first thing I quit was the pop, and lost the weight. It will be the best thing you do!

    Good Luck with cutting out sodas – I drink lots of water and occasionally have a diet pepsi just for a change as I don’t drink anything else apart from hot cocoa in the winter. Have tried Soda Water as an alternative on occasion when I needed the ‘bubbles’.

    I do notice a difference when I’ve had a diet pepsi and now find it very sweet so hopefully that’ll put me off it – after all there’s nothing good about diet sodas or ‘chemicals’ as I refer to them! It does get tedious just drinking water though!

    I have the occasional fruit-flavored sparkling water as a change of pace. It satisfies my carbonation craving without adding the calories.

    I drink a lot of soda water when I’m fasting – I find the different sensation in the mouth satisfies any hunger pangs – started putting pieces of fruit in recently just to change it around as I often find its not the hunger that is hard but the boredom and wanting something that tastes nice

    Good luck with your challenge though

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