Any other Breaking Bad fans?
I was so sad to see it end last night. I’m not that much of a tv watcher, but this series was amazing – all 5 years. I’m going to order myself a Heisenberg t-shirt from their website.
This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Nursebean 11 years, 4 months ago.
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“Any other Breaking Bad fans?”
Yes, saw it & moved on.
Moved onto Ms World 2013.
I know they fast. It’s rampant & they are very attractive.
I believe that age is a factor but somehow the physical attraction can last with proper care.
It’s still a mystery to me..all of, health, aging & longevity.
Absolutely LOVED the episode. I’d prepared myself to lose one of my favourite characters & they ended up being the last one standing (I’m being vague in case anyone is reading who hasn’t seen it yet), so I was really happy at the end. It was a PERFECT finale/felina. Especially loved Walt’s little MacGuyver act towards the end there – Classic!
One cute little in-joke that a scientist friend of mine spotted: The title FeLiNa equates to Iron, Lithium and Sodium, which between us we’ve decided to decode as Blood, Meth & Tears 😉
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5:58 pm
30 Sep 13