Totally Off Topic – Breaking Bad

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Totally Off Topic – Breaking Bad

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nursebean 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Any other Breaking Bad fans?

    I was so sad to see it end last night. I’m not that much of a tv watcher, but this series was amazing – all 5 years. I’m going to order myself a Heisenberg t-shirt from their website.

    “Any other Breaking Bad fans?”

    Yes, saw it & moved on.

    Moved onto Ms World 2013.

    I know they fast. It’s rampant & they are very attractive.

    I believe that age is a factor but somehow the physical attraction can last with proper care.

    It’s still a mystery to me..all of, health, aging & longevity.

    Moving on until…the Better Call Saul prequel airs…probably sometime next year.

    rocky, I think everyone’s into fasting now! In one form or another. I hope it lasts in the media and is not just another diet “fad.” Yeah, I’m sure those gorgeous gals work hard at it.

    Absolutely LOVED the episode. I’d prepared myself to lose one of my favourite characters & they ended up being the last one standing (I’m being vague in case anyone is reading who hasn’t seen it yet), so I was really happy at the end. It was a PERFECT finale/felina. Especially loved Walt’s little MacGuyver act towards the end there – Classic!

    One cute little in-joke that a scientist friend of mine spotted: The title FeLiNa equates to Iron, Lithium and Sodium, which between us we’ve decided to decode as Blood, Meth & Tears 😉

    Sorry for delay but I am searching hard for any breaking Bad info after it recently finished. I don’t think anything can ever come close to it, it was just superb!

    Anyway, what’s all this about “Better Call Saul” prequel? Is that true? Hmmm not sure that would be a good idea.

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