Topic subscription emails will be down from Friday night to Saturday afternoon

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Topic subscription emails will be down from Friday night to Saturday afternoon

This topic contains -1 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  fastdiet 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all!

    The mailserver we use to send you the topic subscription emails — the ones you receive each time someone posts on a topic if you’ve subscribed to it — is undergoing maintenance from Friday night until Saturday afternoon (UK time).

    Topic subscriptions will be disabled during this time. We won’t send catch-up emails so you’ll get new posts from the point it’s re-enabled on Saturday afternoon.

    We don’t have the exact times this will all be done, I’m sorry, but will try to minimise the disruption.

    Hi –

    You won’t receive emails from topics to which you’re subscribed until sometime tomorrow afternoon UK time. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    And it’s all done, you should receive your topic subscription emails from this point forward as normal. ☺️

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