Too much weight loss

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jakradice 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I have a workmate who has lost so much weight that I am worried about her. She actually fasts completely every other day and eats no food at all. She’s been doing this for nearly a year and I am shocked at how thin she is, I don’t see her every week so it’s been quite gradual but now it’s very noticeable. I don’t feel I know her well enough to comment to her directly or even whether I should. But it’s made me worry enough to ask you for help.

    Hi jakradice, if you are concerned about her, take a look at the excellent UK charity b-eat (beat eating disorders) which has a section on what to do if you’re worried about someone – . There are a couple of links on the page that should lead you to more specialised advice from experts in the field.

    Hi testytoast
    Thanks very much for that, very helpful.
    Best wishes

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